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Shawn Steel

UCI: The war against the 5th Column

The College Republicans continue to be the major voice of clarityagainst the Jihadists on campus.

Thursdaynight the College Republican club at the University of California, Irvine, sponsored an unforgettableevent… It was held at the Bren Center withover 1300 paying to get in. It featured excruciating stories of three former terrorists [PLO and an early Hezbollah]. Each man is marked for death. One carries wounds of one assassination attempt. I have never heard such realistic and credible evidence spoken in public.

UC Irvine boasts the largest number of Muslim students in California, estimated to be several thousand. Naturally it has a militant Muslim Student Association. Hamid Algar, a Western Muslim scholar of impeccable academic credentials, who is qute hostile to Israel, still charged the MSA as being similar to Comintern financed by the Saudi government.

Walid Shoebat… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: UCI: The war against the 5th Column

The College Republicans continue to be the major voice of clarityagainst the Jihadists on campus.

Thursdaynight the College Republican club at the University of California, Irvine, sponsored an unforgettableevent… It was held at the Bren Center withover 1300 paying to get in. It featured excruciating stories of three former terrorists [PLO and an early Hezbollah]. Each man is marked for death. One carries wounds of one assassination attempt. I have never heard such realistic and credible evidence spoken in public.

UC Irvine boasts the largest number of Muslim students in California, estimated to be several thousand. Naturally it has a militant Muslim Student Association. Hamid Algar, a Western Muslim scholar of impeccable academic credentials, who is quite hostile to Israel, still charged the MSA as being similar to Comintern financed by the Saudi government.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Mike Spence

AD 60, SD 29: The Prop. 34 difference.

One of the first things a candidate does when the declare their intent to run for a state legislative race, is decide whether to accept the voluntary spending caps. This is a product of the Proposition 34 “campaign reform”. The idea behind Prop. 34 to give a benefit to candidates that agree not to spend so much money. The benefit is that the will be acknowledged in the ballot pamphlet as agreeing to obey spending limits. Sort of like a “that’s a god boy (or girl)” pat on the head for voters. They also get to buy a ballot statement that is sent to all voters in the official sample ballot. The cost varies based on numbers, but is in the several thousands dollars range. You can seesome Prop. 34 info here. If you don’t agree, you don’t get these benefits, but you do get to blow the spending caps. The caps are currently $483,000 in an Assembly … Read More

James V. Lacy

Progressive Canada?

I just returned from a trip to Vancouver, B.C. and even in that beautiful city had occasion to think of a few things political and legal:

1. Our Governor was all over the news during my five days in British Columbia! While his activities as diplomat do not include the force and effect of a formal treaty, he seemed to get a lot done on a "voluntary" basis. He signed memoranda of understanding with Canadian provincial leaders and with the conservative Canadian Prime Minister on a range of issues, including the environment, and also some conservative icons too, such as copyright protection. Know which place in the world is the biggest infringer on intellectual property rights of theentertainment industry, through pirated copying? Phillipines? China? Nope! Guess Quebec and you got it right! The Governor inked an agreement with the P.M. which will include a promise to introduce legislation that for the first time will make copyright infringement of this type a crime.

2. No recall in Canada? Can you imagine a Mayor of a city in California who gets drunk, goes to his girlfriend’s house, assaults her, publicly admits he is… Read More

James V. Lacy

Shawn Steel to bring GOP support to Harry Sidhu vs. Mimi Walters for SD 33?

In my "vacation" mail I received an unexpectedinvitation to a fundraiser for Harry Sidhu, the Anaheim City Councilman who is running for the 33rd State Senate seat against GOP stalward and conservative Assemblywoman Mimi Walters. The event is a special seating at an Angels game, but it featured recently-elected Board of Equalization member Michelle Steel as a cosponsor. Michelle Steel is a leading light in the Republican Party, like Walters,and the highest ranking Korean-American elected official in the nation. Like her husband, Shawn, she is a "hard-core" conservative. The fact that she is co-chairing a fundraiser for Sidhu (whom I do not know) seems to be significant, given Walter’s conservative credentials. Can an endorsement for Sidhu from former GOP state chair Shawn Steel also be in the offing? My head is realing! Is this seat really up for grabs?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Doolittle May Be Vulnerable – But Not To This Challenger

The Sacramento Bee is reporting that a military reservist, Eric Egland, is seriously looking at running against Congressman John Doolittle in next year’s GOP primary in the 4th District. FR readers know that Doolittle has been at the center of controversy stemming from his wife Julie’s professional relationship with the now-imprisoned lobbyist-turned-crook Jack Abramoff, the Doolittle’s personal friendship with Abramoff, and the fact that in a rather public and high profile way, investigators with the FBI are looking very closely at the Abramoff/Doolittle connection (fairly recently a subpoena was served on the Doolittle home, where Julie has her home-office).

No on has accused either the Congressman or his wife of criminal wrongdoing. That said, when you are in elective office, and are seeking re-election, you aren’t in a court of law, but rather a court of public opinion. Given the poor publicity that Doolittle has received, and given the sour-taste in the mouths of voters from actual proven corruption on the Hill (Duke Cunningham,, it is unclear whether the public will make a distinction between the convicted, and the accused, or… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Doolittle May Be Vulnerable – But Not To This Challenger

The Sacramento Bee is reporting that a military reservist, Eric Egland, is seriously looking at running against Congressman John Doolittle in next year’s GOP primary in the 4th District. FR readers know that Doolittle has been at the center of controversy stemming from his wife Julie’s professional relationship with the now-imprisoned lobbyist-turned-crook Jack Abramoff, the Doolittle’s personal friendship with Abramoff, and the fact that in a rather public and high profile way, investigators with the FBI are looking very closely at the Abramoff/Doolittle connection (fairly recently a subpoena was served on the Doolittle home, where Julie has her home-office).

No on has accused either the Congressman or his wife of criminal wrongdoing. That said, when you are in elective office, and are seeking re-election, you aren’t in a court of law, but rather a court of public opinion. Given the poor publicity that Doolittle has received, and given the sour-taste in the mouths of voters from actual proven corruption on the Hill (Duke Cunningham,, it is unclear whether the public will make a distinction between the convicted, and the accused, or… Read More

Brandon Powers

Adams Hosts Successful D.O. Open House

Earlier today, I dropped by a District Office Open House for my Assemblyman and fellow FR Blogger Anthony Adams.

His new Claremont office looked fantastic, far better than the typical bare-walled places that pass for Assembly District Offices. Big windows, art on the walls, etc.

The turnout was big, easily 100+. In the hour or so I stuck around, I spotted LA County Party Chairwoman Linda Boyd, and her husband, CRP Board Member Doug. A bunch of local electeds were making the rounds. CRLA Chairman Steve Baric made the trip up from Orange County. In addition, fellow politicos Mike Richman and John Hrabe made it out. Even Congressman David Dreier made a cameo.

During his campaign, the big knock on Anthony was that a guy from San Bernardino couldn’t represent LA County. If today’s event (in LA) was any indication, that question has been put to rest.… Read More