UCI: The war against the 5th Column
The College Republicans continue to be the major voice of clarityagainst the Jihadists on campus.
Thursdaynight the College Republican club at the University of California, Irvine, sponsored an unforgettableevent… It was held at the Bren Center withover 1300 paying to get in. It featured excruciating stories of three former terrorists [PLO and an early Hezbollah]. Each man is marked for death. One carries wounds of one assassination attempt. I have never heard such realistic and credible evidence spoken in public.
UC Irvine boasts the largest number of Muslim students in California, estimated to be several thousand. Naturally it has a militant Muslim Student Association. Hamid Algar, a Western Muslim scholar of impeccable academic credentials, who is qute hostile to Israel, still charged the MSA as being similar to Comintern financed by the Saudi government.
Walid Shoebat… Read More