Bob Novak: Jerry Lewis likely to retire… YEAH!
Conservative commentator Bob Novak has been opining on the macro and micro of politics around the country as a columnist for decades — and is generally considered to be among one of the more enlightened and insightful voices coming out of the Beltway. His latest column has a whole section on California House seats (h/t Red County San Bernardino) which has a bevy of insights.
Of most interest, and perhaps a cause for much hope for FR readers, Novak is reporting that people are saying that Congressman Jerry Lewis is likely to retire next year. We can only HOPE this is right. As we have written about here many times, Lewis has been the most prominent GOPer in the House associated with outrageous earmarks, and who pushing this ‘aristocracy of appropriators’ BS that somehow because there is an Appropriations Committtee, across the board cuts or cuts proposed by… Read More