Loretta Sanchez Tubes Pelosi Fundraiser For OC Democratic Party
[Cross-posted from Red County/OC Blog]
Did you hear about the fund raiser House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did for the Democratic Party of Orange County last month?
Don’t worry if you didn’t — it never happened because Loretta Sanchez put the kibosh on it.
According to local Democratic insiders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was supposed to come to Orange County last month to headline a fund raiser benefiting the Democratic Party of Orange County. All the arrangements were in place for an event that would have raised an enormous sum of money to fund the DPOC’s ambitious plans for strengthening its presence county-wide and contest OC GOP inroads in central OC.
In other words, good news for OC Democrats, bad news for OC Republicans.
Unfortunately for the DPOC, Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s ego got in the way.
Sanchez adopted a proprietary view of the… Read More