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Mike Spence

CFRW, CYR, YRFC Join Pro-Family Groups Opposing AB 16

The California Federation of Republican Women, The California Young Republicans Inc. and the Young Republican Federation of California (YRFC) are opposing AB 16. Capitol Resource Institute, Concerned Women of American and Eagle Forum join them in asking legislators to vote no. AB 16 is a bill that requires all school children to be immunized based on the action of the unelected head of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Five years after they say so, California children must be immunized based on what they say. This bill started as simple lets force middle age schoolgirls to get vaccinated with a drug that has been on the market for only a year, but pushed by a big pharmaceutical company (Merck) kind of bill. The original sponsor pulled off after it was revealed how much Merck stock the family owned. (There is competing drug coming out, but Merck wants to force as many as they can before there is choice) AmendmentsRead More

Mike Spence

Migden Mad McClintock Used The “H” Word

Senator Migden is very mad at Tom McClintock. He used the "H" word during today’s Senate debate. McClintock rose to speak against a SB 375, a big government plan to control how people move around the state and asked generally Who the “hell” do you (meaning the government and Dems) think you are in deciding where people should live?

As he sat down Migden forgetting hell is a place accused him of using profanity. Perata ruled that that was not one of the words you are forbiddenfrom using. Migden was very upset. It was a good thing she didn’t hit his car from behind.

Besides doesn’t Migden know who McClintock is?… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Update: Forced Pet Sterilization Bill, Who Let This Dog Out?

Update: Evidently a handful of Members had their arms [or something] twisted to let this bill out late in the evening by a bare 41-38 majority.

AB 1634 by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, to make all dog and cat owners [with some exceptions] spay or neuter their own animal, is short of votes right now at 37 "aye", 34 "no", needing of course, 41 to get out. It will come back up for vote later but may well fail tonight. Maybe the 2 foot high stack of "oppose" letters in my office and, others presumably, had an effect on this Assembly membership. Don’t mess with people’s critters!… Read More

Mike Spence

AB 374 Looks Terminal for ’07

The "Kill The Patient" lobby is reporting that their effort to authorize doctors tohelp kill patients appearsdeadfor thisyear. See here.

AB 374 was opposed by a diversity of groups that included the CMA and many disability rightsgroups. It was supported by the euthanasia advocates, Feminists,the ACLU and by the HMO lobbying Group. See previous blog here.

Update: See the Press release from Californians Against Assisted Suicide here.Read More

Mike Spence

Bilbray, Bono, Lewis and House Democrats Fail to Pass Fake Cloning Ban

Tuesday night the Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Diana DeGette introduced HR 2560 and had a vote on it today. The bill’s language wasn’t even on the congressional web site until AFTER the vote on it. The big secret was that this bill would have pretended to ban human cloning, while allowing large scale human cloning in laboratories as long as the human male and female clones were kept alive for experimentation and then killed.

In 2001 and 2003, Comprehensive Bans on human cloning like those in 23 other countries like Canada, France and Germany were passed but not acted on by the Senate. Despite the secret vote the measure failed 204-213. 31 Democrats voted with Republicans against the fake ban. Only 14 Republicans voted Yes. Count Californians Bilbray, Bono and Lewis with Pelosi and the human cloners. See vote count here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Video Clips from the GOP Presidential Debate, and the hijacking of Maldo’s SB 850

GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Last night’s GOP Presidential debate in New Hampshire is still residing, unwatched, on my Tivo. So I will be leaving it to others to opine as to who won and who lost. That said, we here at the FlashReport continue our commitment to provide outstanding post-debate coverage for our readers. Once again, on the main page we featured columns on behalf of the front-runner candidates, penned by prominent Californians — Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman for Mitt Romney, State Senator Jeff Denham for John McCain, and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle for Rudy Giuliani… Also, at the bottom of this Commentary are some video clips of these three candidates in action (provided by the campaigns)… MALDONADO’S "MISSING ANGELS" BILL HIJACKED On Monday the full Senate voted on SB 850, the "Missing Angels" act. This is a piece of legislation that will allow… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Video Clips from the GOP Presidential Debate, and the hijacking of Maldo’s SB 850

GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Last night’s GOP Presidential debate in New Hampshire is still residing, unwatched, on my Tivo. So I will be leaving it to others to opine as to who won and who lost. That said, we here at the FlashReport continue our commitment to provide outstanding post-debate coverage for our readers. Once again, on the main page we featured columns on behalf of the front-runner candidates, penned by prominent Californians — Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman for Mitt Romney, State Senator Jeff Denham for John McCain, and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle for Rudy Giuliani… Also, at the bottom of this Commentary are some video clips of these three candidates in action (provided by the campaigns)…

MALDONADO’S "MISSING ANGELS" BILL HIJACKED On Monday the full Senate voted on SB 850, the "Missing Angels" act. This is a piece of legislation that will allow families who have endured the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Wyland: The Future of Our State and Our Nation is At Stake in the U.S. Senate

I just received this from State Senator Mark Wyland, with a request to post it ASAP. FR readers take heart in what he said, and act on it! ‘m posting from my PDA, so pardon the formatting…

“The United States Senate is considering legislation that would weaken our federal immigration system. California has borne the brunt of illegal immigration, along with its enormous costs. There are estimates as high as $10 billion annually for education, health care, and corrections costs for illegal residents of our state.

The bill would have such profound and disturbing effects on California and the nation that all efforts must be made to stop it. It cannot be “fixed” with any conceivable amendment. I suggest that the FlashReport and other like-minded websites – along with talk radio shows –post the major problems/provisions each day on their websites along with the contact information for U.S. Senators. Strategies to stop this bill and gain real border enforcement should be discussed each day. Most readers of the FlashReport know the problems with this bill and illegal immigration, but a short refresher is listed below.… Read More