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Mike Spence

CRP Resolutions Committee Chair is Paris Hilton Attorney

In reading about today’s continued persecution of poor Paris Hilton, I saw this in the SacBee.

"A former district attorney, Robert Philibosian, also represented Hilton. He said that the law supports the sheriff in making an independent decision on her custodial situation." See full article here.

Bob was appointed DA of Los Angeles County By Gerrge Deukmejian (Bob replaced John Van De Kamp who was elected Attorney General). I was honored to vote for him in 1984. Unfortunately he lost.

Bob has been Chair of theCRP Resolutions Committee for some time and also helps screen judicial candidates for support from the LA Lincoln Club.Now I know someone famous!Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Leg. Counsel: Charges In Gov’s Health Plan Are Taxes NOT Fees!

Republican Assemblyman Rick Keene submitted the healthcare proposal from Governor Schwarzenegger to the independent Legislative Counsel for an opinion on whether the charges proposed by the Governor on employers, hospitals and surgeons are a tax increase as defined by the California Constitution. Undoubtedly Keene had to submit this question to the Counsel’s office because the Governor, who campaigned with an iron-clad promise that he would never ever raise taxes, has been characterizing these charges as "fees" — arguing that that there is a ‘hidden tax’ on Californians (the ‘cost’ of covering uninsured Californians) and therefore these charges, because they are part of a plan that purports to reduce this ‘burden’ on all of us, is a fee and not a tax. What are the charges? Increased payroll taxes, and increased income taxes on hospitals and doctors! Well, it comes as no surprise that the Legislative Counsel has made it very clear that, "…the provider contribution that would be imposed pursuant to the proposal would not constitute a fee and, as a result, would be… Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: Postmus to Pass Batan of San Bernardino County GOP Leadership to Ovitt

I just got off the phone with San Bernardino County Republican Party Chairman Bill Postmus to confirm a statement issued by the party – Bill will be stepping down as chair of the organization he has successfully led through five election statewide elections.

In announcing his retirement, Postmus threw his support to County Supervisor Gary Ovitt, his County GOP Vice Chairman, to succeed him. The support from the popular Postmus virtually assures that Ovitt will be the next County Chairman.

Postmus, who has led the successful county GOP organization since he was elected in late 2003, was recently elected County Assessor for San Bernardino County.

Attached to this post is the email sent out by Postmus, which you can read. It really goes into much more detail.

I will close by saying that while no one can serve in these posts forever (they are volunteer positions, ya know) — it’s certainly too bad Bill could not. He’s a great guy, a good friend, a solid conservative who is passionate about the Grand Old Party, and is a dynamic leader. Fortunately he’ll still be around to help out the presumed new Chairman, Gary… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Congratulations Orange County Fair Board Director Mary Young!

Thankfully, unlike his appointments in Glenn County, Governor Schwarzenegger has seen fit to keep the Orange County Fair Board solidly Republican. His latest appointment, FR has learned, is our friend and the Orange County Republican Party’s Secretary Mary Young!

Here’s the official write-up on Mary:

Mary Young, 63, of Aliso Viejo, has been appointed to the Orange County Fair Board of Directors (32nd District Agricultural Association). She has owned Quiet Village Mobile Home Park and Las Brisas Apartments since 1990. Young is active in her community and is a member of the Republican Presidential Task Force, Orange County Youth Commission and is a former member of Choices/Teen Awareness. She founded and is past president of the Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated. This position does not require Senate confirmation and there is no salary. Young is a Republican.

Congratulations Mary!… Read More

Mike Spence

CFRW, CYR, YRFC Join Pro-Family Groups Opposing AB 16

The California Federation of Republican Women, The California Young Republicans Inc. and the Young Republican Federation of California (YRFC) are opposing AB 16. Capitol Resource Institute, Concerned Women of American and Eagle Forum join them in asking legislators to vote no. AB 16 is a bill that requires all school children to be immunized based on the action of the unelected head of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Five years after they say so, California children must be immunized based on what they say. This bill started as simple lets force middle age schoolgirls to get vaccinated with a drug that has been on the market for only a year, but pushed by a big pharmaceutical company (Merck) kind of bill. The original sponsor pulled off after it was revealed how much Merck stock the family owned. (There is competing drug coming out, but Merck wants to force as many as they can before there is choice) AmendmentsRead More

Mike Spence

Migden Mad McClintock Used The “H” Word

Senator Migden is very mad at Tom McClintock. He used the "H" word during today’s Senate debate. McClintock rose to speak against a SB 375, a big government plan to control how people move around the state and asked generally Who the “hell” do you (meaning the government and Dems) think you are in deciding where people should live?

As he sat down Migden forgetting hell is a place accused him of using profanity. Perata ruled that that was not one of the words you are forbiddenfrom using. Migden was very upset. It was a good thing she didn’t hit his car from behind.

Besides doesn’t Migden know who McClintock is?… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Update: Forced Pet Sterilization Bill, Who Let This Dog Out?

Update: Evidently a handful of Members had their arms [or something] twisted to let this bill out late in the evening by a bare 41-38 majority.

AB 1634 by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, to make all dog and cat owners [with some exceptions] spay or neuter their own animal, is short of votes right now at 37 "aye", 34 "no", needing of course, 41 to get out. It will come back up for vote later but may well fail tonight. Maybe the 2 foot high stack of "oppose" letters in my office and, others presumably, had an effect on this Assembly membership. Don’t mess with people’s critters!… Read More

Mike Spence

AB 374 Looks Terminal for ’07

The "Kill The Patient" lobby is reporting that their effort to authorize doctors tohelp kill patients appearsdeadfor thisyear. See here.

AB 374 was opposed by a diversity of groups that included the CMA and many disability rightsgroups. It was supported by the euthanasia advocates, Feminists,the ACLU and by the HMO lobbying Group. See previous blog here.

Update: See the Press release from Californians Against Assisted Suicide here.Read More