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Jon Fleischman

GOP Budget Resolve – And would Mrs. Jerry Lewis let him retire?

THE BUDGET NEEDS AN $8 BILLION HAIRCUT Today, according to the California Constitution, is the technical deadline for passing a balanced state budget. The lack of a budget agreement is actual a good thing for California taxpayers, because it means that fiscally responsible Republican legislators are resolved to see some reigning in of California’s out-of-control ballooning state budget. We here at the FlashReport support the efforts of State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines to impose curbs in discretionary state spending. If anything, our biggest challenge is that state government spending is so out-of-whack that none of the proposals for cuts come even close to addressing the massive over-spending. If you read our featured column today from John Seiler, you would conclude that the starting point in budget negotiations should be finding an immediate $8 billion in spending cuts. ___________________________… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Budget Resolve – And would Mrs. Jerry Lewis let him retire?

THE BUDGET NEEDS AN $8 BILLION HAIRCUT Today, according to the California Constitution, is the technical deadline for passing a balanced state budget. The lack of a budget agreement is actual a good thing for California taxpayers, because it means that fiscally responsible Republican legislators are resolved to see some reigning in of California’s out-of-control ballooning state budget. We here at the FlashReport support the efforts of State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines to impose curbs in discretionary state spending. If anything, our biggest challenge is that state government spending is so out-of-whack that none of the proposals for cuts come even close to addressing the massive over-spending. If you read our featured column today from John Seiler, you would conclude that the starting point in budget negotiations should be finding an immediate $8 billion in spending cuts. ___________________________… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep Dreier: Giuliani’s the Man to Secure Our Borders

This oped by Congressman David Dreier appeared in today’s Inland Valley Daily Bulletin: Giuliani’s The Man To Secure Our Borders

Rudy Giuliani understands the problems of illegal immigration. He knows that without securing our border and knowing who is in our country, we will not be able to keep our citizens safe.

That is why I am pleased that Rudy has been at the forefront of this border security debate by advocating a tamper-proof card tied to a common database that government agencies would be able to access, allowing us to know who is in the country, why they are here, and where they are. Immigrants who overstay their visas will be able to be… Read More

Barry Jantz

Fletcher Kickoff Impressive

UPDATE…some additional input from another source:

Anyone who was there last night (and just about every major donor in San Diego was) witnessed an incredible start to Nathan Fletcher’s campaign for the 75th State Assembly District. More than 150 donors attended, raising over $100,000. Not bad for your first fundraiser. Even Pete Wilson joked that the event was bigger than his kickoff for his first run for governor. The catered event at the home of Gene and Taffin Ray was a class act. With the backing of Republican leaders like Gov. Pete Wilson, Duncan Hunter, George Plescia, Mark Wyland, and countless others (not to mention Barry Jantz – ok, that was my insert), Nathan Fletcher is well on his way.

—————————————————- 75th AD candidate Nathan Fletcher’s campaign kickoff was last nite, and although I had other commitments (I am supporting Nathan for the George Plescia term-limited seat), I do have my… Read More

James V. Lacy

National Taxpayers Union conference features Californians Fund, Murdock

I am attending the National Taxpayers Union annual conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. this weekend with Jon Coupal, Presidentof the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and have just sat-in on a session on media relations featuring speakers Deroy Murdock and John Fund. Readers may not know that both Murdock and Fund, both professional journalists with national reputations, also both hail from California and were active in conservative politics in the Golden State as young men.

In fact,Murdock not only was a southern California conservative activitist, he was also a YAF member, and attended the 1983 YAF National Convention in Los Angeles (my last as National Chairman). And Fund, from San Francisco, has a YAF and Movement pedigree as well.

Murdock moved-on to Georgetown University where he received his BA, and then attended New York University, where he earned an MBA. Today he is nationally syndicated through Scripps-Howard and is associated with the Hoover Institute and the Atlas Foundation, and lives in New York City.

Fund worked for a California Republican state legislator as a young man, and got his break about 25 years ago… Read More

James V. Lacy

Coupal speech at National Taxpayers Conference

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, addressed anti-tax advocates from around the country today at the National Taxpayer Union’s annual conference. The topic of Jon’s talk was "Finding Ways to Win" and he focused on HJTA’s leadership in defeating Proposition 88, the "parcel tax" on real property on the last statewide ballot in California. Jon gave some good advice to the crowd about how to successfully oppose a tax increase measure on a shoe-string budget.

Jon explained that last time around there were four tax increase measures on the ballot, namely Proposition 86 (tobacco), Proposition 87 (oil), Proposition 88 (the parcel tax), and Proposition 89 (corporate tax). He said that the opposition campaigns for tobacco, oil, and corporate had built-in vested interests and knew they could fully fund their own opposition campaigns, but the parcel tax was different, as it was a flat regressive tax that would not make much of a dent in business budgets to… Read More

Jill Buck

Republicans’ Responsibility to the World (Part I)

Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of attending one of the Pacific Research Institute’s reliably superb events: a seminar on the Middle East given by Dr. Daniel Pipes. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen such a brilliant man carry his expertise as effortlessly and devoid of pretense as Dr. Pipes did at the PRI luncheon. My feeble attempt to summarize his presentation for FR readers is like trying to squeeze a basketball into a Coke bottle, and there is no way I can possibly replicate the experience of seeing Dr. Pipes in person, but I’ll do my best to give you all a snapshot.

His presentation was entitled, “The Five I’s – Iraq, Iran, Israel, Islamism, and Islam in Europe.”

On Iraq: He advocates “staying the course, but changing the course.” Dr. Pipes is not in favor of a date-specific timeline for withdrawal, but he recommends turning over more responsibility to the Iraqi government faster. He said our troops need to be pulled out of the tactical… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Tough Love

A mom in Sacramento who once again caught her son high on weed decided to make his punishment public this week. Christine Drye got her 16 year old son, Dominiq, out of bed and drove him to the corner of Howe and Hurley, gave him a sign that read, “I’m stupid. I smoke ‘weed’ marijuana” and made him stand there from 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. You can read the full story here. Of course, there are people who think Dominiq’s mom was too harsh on the boy, but he doesn’t think so. Neither does his coach, who stopped to shake his mom’s hand.

My kids are small enough now that the biggest problems I have are my daughters leaving their bedroom light on 24/7 and my son never picking up his Legos.Read More