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Jon Fleischman

Battlelines Drawn: Democrats vs. Chiropractors (and Republicans)

When Mark Ridley-Thomas was an LA City councilman during the LA Riots of 1992, he personally authored legislation that prohibited over 3000 market and shop owners from rebuilding their businesses. Claiming that the markets were encouraging lawless behavior and the prices were too steep, thousands of Korean-American merchants lost even more following the riots. The real victims were those who served the community as store owners. His economic policy continues to cause his community to suffer poor services, gang violence and failing schools. His legacy was to stop economic progress for his constituents and to fear the growing Latino influence in his historically black seat.

Since moving to the Senate, Ridley-Thomas believes his work is incomplete. As chair of the Business and Professions Committee, he set his cross hairs on the chiropractic profession. He seeks to simply abolish the civil rights protection that the chiropractors earned in 1922, when they got sufficient signatures to permit California voters by Initiative to approve the Chiropractic Act. The Act permitted chiropractors to see patients without fear of medical and legal persecution. The Act has worked well 85… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Battlelines Drawn: Democrats vs. Chiropractors (and Republicans)

When Mark Ridley-Thomas was an LA City councilman during the LA Riots of 1992, he personally authored legislation that prohibited over 3000 market and shop owners from rebuilding their businesses. Claiming that the markets were encouraging lawless behavior and the prices were too steep, thousands of Korean-American merchants lost even more following the riots. The real victims were those who served the community as store owners. His economic policy continues to cause his community to suffer poor services, gang violence and failing schools. His legacy was to stop economic progress for his constituents and to fear the growing Latino influence in his historically black seat.

Since moving to the Senate, Ridley-Thomas believes his work is incomplete. As chair of the Business and Professions Committee, he set his cross hairs on the chiropractic profession. He seeks to simply abolish the civil rights protection that the chiropractors earned in 1922, when they got sufficient signatures to permit California voters by Initiative to approve the Chiropractic Act. The Act permitted chiropractors to see patients without fear of medical and legal persecution. The Act has worked well 85… Read More

Barry Jantz

Mr. Echo’s Knickers in a Knot Over Larson’s Leaving

No, not Mr. Echo from "Lost." Mr. Echo as inEcho Chamber, the proverbial poli-buzz-buzz that follows any announcement such as that of Mark Larson yesterday morning.

Larson, an oft rumored candidate but never yet the bride, announced on the air Friday morning that he is leaving his KOGO Radio talk show effective immediately. Mark posts on his blog, "This is fully my decision, based on many factors. It’s no secret that the programming change a couple of months ago has been a difficult transition, and something that was increasingly difficult to do with all of my other business interests. The day felt like it was two days long." (As that probably wasn’t enough of a toughie, he and his wife later in the morning found one of their dogs had died.)

As there has been much conjecture about Larson’s possible run for an open Duncan Hunter seat (C.D. 52), especially considering Duncan’s son is in the mix, the announcement drove Mr. Echo into high gear. I came home last night to… Read More

Shawn Steel

Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay

After you’ve built one of the most successful investment banking institutions in America, served as the California Republican Party’s Finance Chairman, set up charities supporting private and charter schools and maintains an excellent long term marriage to Kathy his first bride, what then?

Well, President Bush appointed Frank Baxter to serve as American’sAmbassador to the "Switzerland of South America". Uruguay is not quite Switzerland, it’s run by moderate socialists. Naturally, Michelle and I wanted to see Frank and Kathy next time we were in the area.

So we [Pub Note: "we" is Shawn and his wife, Michelle, a member of the State Board of Equalization] found ourselves in the area last week. Frank set up dinner for us with leaders of 4 political parties. We even had an interpreter when discussing California politics. The current government is composed of a left of center regime, but they are not… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay

After you’ve built one of the most successful investment banking institutions in America, served as the California Republican Party’s Finance Chairman, set up charities supporting private and charter schools and maintains an excellent long term marriage to Kathy his first bride, what then?

Well, President Bush appointed Frank Baxter to serve as American’sAmbassador to the "Switzerland of South America". Uruguay is not quite Switzerland, it’s run by moderate socialists. Naturally, Michelle and I wanted to see Frank and Kathy next time we were in the area.

So we [Pub Note: "we" is Shawn and his wife, Michelle, a member of the State Board of Equalization] found ourselves in the area last week. Frank set up dinner for us with leaders of 4 political parties. We even had an interpreter when discussing California politics. The current government is composed of a left of center regime, but they are not… Read More

James V. Lacy

Gilmore promises “National Property Rights Initiative” if elected President

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore announced today that if he is elected President, he will launch a "national property rights initiative" to put the Federal government in the forefront of opposing private property rights abuses through eminent domain. Invoking the property rights case known as Kelo v. City of New London, Gilmore stated he would: reissue an Executive Order of Ronald Reagan restraining the Federal government from abusing private property rights in Federal construction projects; create an Assistant to the President in the White House to oversee Federal protection of property rights; order the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to issue new regulations protecting property rights in Federal housing programs and construction; and create a Federal Commission to receive reports on property rights abuses at the state and local level. Gilmore made the announcement at the annual National Taxpayers Union taxpayers conference in Washington, D.C.

Gilmore discussed his background as a former Republican National Committee Chairman and as a member of a Federal Commission that investigated domestic terrorism. But he also… Read More

James V. Lacy

National Taxpayers Union conference features Californians Fund, Murdock

I am attending the National Taxpayers Union annual conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. this weekend with Jon Coupal, Presidentof the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and have just sat-in on a session on media relations featuring speakers Deroy Murdock and John Fund. Readers may not know that both Murdock and Fund, both professional journalists with national reputations, also both hail from California and were active in conservative politics in the Golden State as young men.

In fact,Murdock not only was a southern California conservative activitist, he was also a YAF member, and attended the 1983 YAF National Convention in Los Angeles (my last as National Chairman). And Fund, from San Francisco, has a YAF and Movement pedigree as well.

Murdock moved-on to Georgetown University where he received his BA, and then attended New York University, where he earned an MBA. Today he is nationally syndicated through Scripps-Howard and is associated with the Hoover Institute and the Atlas Foundation, and lives in New York City.

Fund worked for a California Republican state legislator as a young man, and got his break about 25 years ago… Read More

James V. Lacy

Coupal speech at National Taxpayers Conference

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, addressed anti-tax advocates from around the country today at the National Taxpayer Union’s annual conference. The topic of Jon’s talk was "Finding Ways to Win" and he focused on HJTA’s leadership in defeating Proposition 88, the "parcel tax" on real property on the last statewide ballot in California. Jon gave some good advice to the crowd about how to successfully oppose a tax increase measure on a shoe-string budget.

Jon explained that last time around there were four tax increase measures on the ballot, namely Proposition 86 (tobacco), Proposition 87 (oil), Proposition 88 (the parcel tax), and Proposition 89 (corporate tax). He said that the opposition campaigns for tobacco, oil, and corporate had built-in vested interests and knew they could fully fund their own opposition campaigns, but the parcel tax was different, as it was a flat regressive tax that would not make much of a dent in business budgets to… Read More