Sac County Sheriff responds to Spence
Earlier in the week Mike Spence, our faithful LA County FR correspondent, posted some critcism of legislation recently passed in Sacramento (with the support of a good chunk of GOPers) that would ban alcohol on boats in the Sacramento River (whether the cans are open or closed). You can read Mike’s post here.
FR has receieved a ‘response’ to Spence’s post from Sacramento County Sheriff Jon McGinnis, which appears below. It’s a bit lengthy compared to Spence’s — but then, McGinnis is an elected official, and seldom is brevity the watchword of any politican…
For several years the frequency of alcohol-related violence and lawlessness has increased within a specific segment of the American River Parkway during major summer holiday periods. During the holiday periods of the Fourth of July and to a lesser extent, Memorial Day and Labor Day, thousands of young rafters converge on this stretch of the… Read More