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Mike Spence

Nanny Stater and Tax Raiser Michael Bloomberg Leaves GOP

Mayor Bloomberg has made official what everyone has known for years. He is not a Republican! You can read the story here in Bloomberg News of course. Is that bigger than FR?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gary Aminoff — “The Preposterous Is Now Normal”

Today I am pleased to present a guest commentary from FR reader Gary Aminoff. Gary is the President of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club, and also serves as Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Republican Party. I hope you enjoy his column…

ETHNIC GRADUATIONS ARE ANTI-AMERICAN by Gary Aminoff When I attended UCLA it was a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural campus. There were students from nearly every country, every religion and all races. Yet, most students thought of themselves as Bruins and as Americans. We were all graduated in a single commencement ceremony which made us feel we were all part of a single community John Leo, in the CityRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Gary Aminoff — “The Preposterous Is Now Normal”

Today I am pleased to present a guest commentary from FR reader Gary Aminoff. Gary is the President of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club, and also serves as Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Republican Party. I hope you enjoy his column…

ETHNIC GRADUATIONS ARE ANTI-AMERICAN by Gary Aminoff When I attended UCLA it was a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural campus. There were students from nearly every country, every religion and all races. Yet, most students thought of themselves as Bruins and as Americans. We were all graduated in a single commencement ceremony which made us feel we were all part of a single community

John Leo, in the City Journal, writes an article entitled, Read More

Barry Jantz

GOP Employees Part II

As an update to my earlier post, my further research indicates the following:

As might have been expected, theSF Chronicle is out to lunch on several points. Yet, that hasn’t kept many folks — including those in the GOP — from reacting to it, creating much grist for the mill. Thus, I stand by my decision to create an avenue for readers to discuss it and for the party to set the record straight.

Some key points:

It is factually inaccurate, as has been reported and repeated, that the applying employer for the work visa in question must signify that no citizen is qualified for the job.

The State GOP’s deputy political director has yet to be hired.

Chris Matthews did not work for the State Republican Party in 2003 or2004, he worked for the San Diego County Republican Party since 2003. He alsoworked in Great Britain for the Conservative Party and inCanada.

Matthews is currently working on a TN visa as a management consultant, helpingwith organizational management and networking.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Joe Shumate returns, hanging a shingle with Mark Bogetich and Co.

From time to time, it’s important to note the goings on with some of our FR friends. Hot off of the presses is the news that Joe Shumate (with whom I had a chance to do some work back when I was Executive Director of the State GOP), and whom I would charactarize as a savvy political strategist and a voter targeting expert, is joining up with well-respected opposition research specialist Mark Bogetich (pictured) and (along with two policy-wonk types, Mike Kahoe and Larry Green) are starting up a new firm, BGK Strategies.

From chatting with Mark, it would appear that their firm will focus on independent expenditure efforts, ballot measure campaigns, issue advocacy and public affairs projects. Republican candidates fear not, Mark assures me that he and Joe will continue to provide services to GOP candidates.

Bonus round question: Which candidate for President did JoeRead More

Jon Fleischman

My trip to the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center for the 20th Anniversary of Reagan’s “Tear down this wall!” Speech

Last week, I was invited by my friends at the Young America’s Foundation to travel to Santa Barbara, where the Foundation has its Western presence — through its 1997 acquisition of President Ronald Reagan’s 600 acre mountain ranch, Rancho Del Cielo, and where they subsequently built the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara — a state of the art conference center which acts as a headquarters for training thousands of young people about the conservative principles which Reagan espoused and lived.

Last Tuesday, at the Reagan Ranch Center, the Foundation hosted a special event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s prophetic speech at the Brandenburg Gate in a then-divided Berlin where Reagan appealed to the Soviet Premiere, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

About a hundred and fifty of us were on hand for the festivities, which started with well known… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: My trip to the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center for the 20th Anniversary of Reagan’s “Tear down this wall!” Speech

Last week, I was invited by my friends at the Young America’s Foundation to travel to Santa Barbara, where the Foundation has its Western presence — through its 1997 acquisition of President Ronald Reagan’s 600 acre mountain ranch, Rancho Del Cielo, and where they subsequently built the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara — a state of the art conference center which acts as a headquarters for training thousands of young people about the conservative principles which Reagan espoused and lived.

Last Tuesday, at the Reagan Ranch Center, the Foundation hosted a special event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s prophetic speech at the Brandenburg Gate in a then-divided Berlin where Reagan appealed to the Soviet Premiere, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

About a hundred and fifty of us were on hand for the festivities, which started with well known… Read More

Mike Spence

Rohrabacher and Presidential Pardons

LBREPORT.comhas some great audio of OC/LA GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher makinghis viewvery clear at a an anti-amnesty rally. The message: He will not endorse a presidential candidate that does not PUBLICLY declare in favor of a pardon for jailed Border Patrol agents Igancio Ramos and Jose Compean.

That leaves Tancredo and Hunter that have publicly said so as far as I know. Maybe others??? Thompson publicly says he would pardon Scooter Libby. Now we have a new issue for the next presidential "debate". Hear and read it here.

The two agentsdeserve to be pardoned and let’s hope Rohrabacher’s efforts pay off.… Read More