Sunday San Diego…Too much fun for a Weekend
Hope Springs Eternal?… Just when you thought the Bush Administration had completely annihilated any chance of Republicans winning the White House in 2008, and Ralph Nader lifts his siphon hose again.
Well, at least some folks are saying that. But, let’s not forget that after largely being considered the Gore spoiler in 2000, last go-round Democrats and Greens rejected him in spades and Nader garnered only one-third of one percent of the vote. That downward trajectory may continue to progress for the progressive.
We can laugh about Michael Bloomberg "leaving" the GOP all we want, but his potential clout would be superior to Nader’s in any vote siphoning scenario.
No, Nader or not, Republicans are going to have to win it on their own. That starts with the current Administration. And, that’s what I fear the most.
Sunroad San Diego… Scott Lewis in Voice of San Diego asked the essential question on Friday:
Now that everyone admits the city wrongfully approved the Sunroad… Read More