FlashReport Weblog on California Politics
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Romney’s California Team in Boston
Monday was another historic day in presidential politics. Nearly a thousand Romney supporters gathered on the floor of the Boston Garden to raise money for his campaign.
We had done it before in January (at the Boston Convention Center that time) and raised over $6,000,000 on that day. Although the numbers are not all in, we probably pulled in at least a few million yesterday. This is not your usual name-tag-at-the-door, chicken-veggies-and-a-speech fund raiser.
The Romney Team does everything better, faster, bigger.
Sunday evening over 1,000 Romney supporters had a barbecue at Fenway Park where the Boston Red Sox Play. Governor Romney rallied the troops, his wife Ann did too. His son’s four of five of whom are working full-time campaigning for their dad told some funny stories about the campaign trail.
But the best part about Sunday evening was getting to go down on the field at Fenway and walk where so many legends of Baseball have played.
This photo shows us at the ball park. From… Read More
Bob Novak: Is Arnold A Republican?
Last week, I had an opportunity at the invitation of the California Chamber of Commerce to participate on a couple of panels at a meeting of their advocacy council at the Chamber’s amazing offices a block from the State Capitol. Right before lunch, as a panelist, I got to take on 3-1 odds going up against three proponents of weakening term-limits, Rob Stutzman, Tim Hodson, and the iniative’s chief flack Gale Kaufman. The lunchtime speaker at the event was none other than conservative syndicated columnist Bob Novak. Below is an article that Novak penned, inspired by his recent visit to the Golden State…
As I read it, I tried to remember the Governor, in all of his recent lobbying of Congress to take on the battle against global warming, just once call for making permanent the tax cuts passed a few years back…… Read More
Bill Jones: The Facts About Ethanol
Last Wednesday I featured a guest commentary is this space from State Senator Tom McClintock. Entitled Ethanol Economics, McClintock made the case against a recent decision by the California Air Resources Board to mandate that by 2010, every gallon of gasoline sold must be made up of at least 10% ethanol. Bonus link: What is ethonal? The Wikopedia entry is here.
Today I am pleased to feature a ‘rebuttal piece’ penned by former California Secretary of State Bill . Jones, the Republican Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate a few years back, is now the Chairman of the Board of Pacific Ethanol:
Nehring’s Statement on the COOs
From State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring……
California Republican Party- Chairman’s Report Greetings!
I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a few important events at the CRP.
With my background serving as a county chairman for more than five years, I take the role of state party chairman with enormous seriousness, and feel a great sense of personal responsibility for ensuring the party’s success.
As a county chairman, I was accustomed to working in a fairly tight circle, keeping things moving rapidly in a campaign environment where we had more than 10 elections in just five years. Although I was Chairman of a large county party, the CRP is much, much larger, requiring a wider circle of people and adjusting expectations of how quickly things can happen accordingly.
As a result of this, and a short timeframe to fill the position, we moved too quickly in the hiring of our previous COO, and certain assumptions were made that proved not… Read More
SJSU Survey – Support for Term Limits Weakening Measure is a House of Cards Ready to Fall
San Jose State’s Survey Policy and Research Center just released some survey results on the term-limits weakening measure, public sentiment on illegal aliens, and popularity numbers for the Governator. You can read the summary release which is attached below. Of particular note in this survey were the numbers on the term-limits weakening measure being placed on the ballot by termed-out legislative leader politicians Don Perata and Fabian Nunez. On the first pass, the career politician set would be chuckling with glee as respondents to the survey, based on having the ‘official’ description of the measure read to them, seem to support the measure with 56% saying they would vote for it. Well, that is where the good news stops for them and the good news for those who oppose career politicians begins. The analysis with the attached survey penned by survey director Melinda Jackson makes it clear that it is Jerry Brown’s slanted wording that is responsible for… Read More
“New” express advocacy in election campaigns
I am participating in a national conference call right now with election lawyers and professors, and am concluding that the consensus view is that the Supreme Court’s decision today in Wisconsin Right to Life does gut McCain-Feingold, but also establishes a new standard for regulated electorial speech: express advocacy of a candidate PLUS words about candidate character/qualifications/fitness for office. And interestingly this is anEXPANSION of the old Buckley v. Valeo case. Nevertheless, the sum is less regulation of speech in elections. If a policy-oriented communication from a nonprofit, corporation or union avoids the types of words mentioned above,it can mention candidates and be outside the realm of FEC/FPPC regulation. This is a big win for the First Amendment, because McCain-Feingold banned such communications based on timing, regardless of content. Thus, the new analysis is content-based, ad-by-ad, so political consultants: careful review of text is critical.… Read More
Kamburowski’s Lawsuit Against Uncle Sam
Attached is former GOP COO Michael Kamburowski’s 2005 lawsuit filed in United States District Court (New York) against U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement.… Read More