Blood Sport : Slamming Jerry Lewis
Democrats will do anything to get and maintain power. After all, Lenin wasn’t too good a revolutionary. His specialty, once he took power,was tocreate a ruthless system for permanent power at any cost. Democrats hope to do the same in 2008. By any means necessary, get more senate and house seats.
Part of their strategy is to demonize California House Republican leaders. While Duke Cunningham certainly deserved demonization, as does Democrat "Refrigerator" Jefferson, our CaliforniaCongressional Republicans are endlessly attacked with rumors and conspiracy theories, spearheaded by the LA Times. But paintingthe bribery tar brush against Republicans is ringing hollow.
Jerry Lewis is repeatedly skewered by the LA Times, with breathy innuendos of vast sums of money circulating through his office. The only problem is a ferocious lack of facts. Unlike some Congressmen, Lewis has not grown wealthy in Congress. According to Lewis’ financial disclosure statement, most of his… Read More