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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly GOP Leader Invites You To Explore GOP Healthcare Website

Today I am pleased to feature in this space an introduction to the new Assembly Republican Caucus website on healthcare. Actually, rather than me telling you all about it, we have a short column from Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, inviting you to check it out (there is a great new video up on it)… I will say that it is a worthwhile site to check out because on it, Republicans outline over a dozen common-sense proposals to help increase access to and the affordability of healthcare in California…

Republican Health Care Website Shows Real Impact on Taxpayers and Economy

By Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines

As we debate significant changes to California’s health care system, most people have no idea what we are talking about when we discuss terms like “ERISA,” “highRead More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats should stop holding up the budget!

At a time when fiscal prudence is called for in Sacramento, the Democrats want to engage in prolific spending, taking California’s mega-budget to new heights.

Well if staffers to Democrat legislators are wondering why they aren’t getting paid, they need look no further than their own bosses, and thirst to spend, and spend, and spend.

No one is holding a gun to heads of Senator Perata and Assemblyman Nunez, forcing them to try to increase spending to record levels.

I am ready to wear a "stop your whining" button around the Capitol, if I hear one more Democrat throwing out this falsehood that "Republicans are holding up the budget" – when just a little dose of fiscal constraint will put a budget on the Governor’s desk.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 1634, Compulsory Pet Spay/Neuter Bill Stopped In Senate Committee…For Now

AB 1634, receiving litttle support in the SenateLocal GovernmentCommittee, was put over as a"2 year bill". It was Bob Barker vs. Lassie in the halls of the Capitol this week. [got to meet Lassie, pretty cool] Forcing dog and cat owners to spay or neuter their animal or go though many hoops in order not to, is an issue that will be set aside until next year, with the Senate committee resisting support for AB 1634 today, even with proposed amendments. We’ve received more communications from concerned constituents than perhaps any other issue since I’ve been here, maybe our fax machines now will get to cool off for awhile on this matter.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 8 Health Care Tax Press Conference

The plan to raise a 7.5% tax on employers, either into a direct health care plan or paid into a state fund, known as AB 8 was the topic at a press conference at the main Capitol Press Room, #1190 this morning. Assembly Republican LeaderMike Villines andSenate RepublicanLeader Dick Ackerman led the conference in exposing the perils for the business and job climate for our state should AB 8 become law.

Several speakers advocating for small businesses spoke as well, including John Kabateck of NFIB, featured in today’s FR, who highlighted the critical role thatsmall businesses play in California’s economy and job market, includingthat AB 8 would likely cause the loss of 249,000 jobs, mostly entry level, service and construction that new employeess need to enter the work place. This could mean 1/3 of all new jobs over the next 5 years.

Other speakers spoke of how it affects their own small business and that it’s a disincentive to even hire employees to begin with, including James Duran of the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce with comments on how ithurts his members.

The fact that this is being pushed on a simple… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Sieglock Drops 100K into AD10 Campaign

State Assembly candidate Jack Sieglock, a former San Joaquin County Supervisor has dropped 100K into his account according to Secretary of State filings. It will be interesting to see how much money Sieglock will show in what promises to be an expensive battle in the 10th Assembly district.… Read More

Jim Battin

Every Breath You Take – We’ll Be Taxing You (with apologies to the Police)

One of the most popular items I send out to my constituents and others interested in our government, second only to my Battin NewsNet, is a feature we call Waste Watch. With the help of our very capable, stellar andoutstanding Republican Senate Staff (I’m sucking up here – because they deserve it), we usually send it out weekly to all our subscribers.

It’s name says it all – its a real life report on how consistently our government at all levels is almost criminally wasteful with taxpayer dollars. It will make you laugh – and make you cry – It’s my favorite feature and we receive tremendous feedback. I’ve decided to post it regularly here on the FlashReport.

Here’sour latest installment(you can get back issues hereat the bottom of the page):

Just when you thought you’ve heard the ultimate… Read More

Shawn Steel

Dead Bill Walking : SB 801

Senate Democrat B&P chairman Mark Ridley-Thomas must enjoy beating dead horses or sticking dead butterflies.

His pay-back bill to eviscerate the chiropractic profession by proposing a constitutionally dubious bill, SB 801, is meeting fierce resistance for all Republican legislators and all sectors of the chiropractic profession. SB 801 would simply abolish the chiropractic Act of 1922, voted in by voters by Initiative. Instead to having the people sign a new Initiative, Ridley-Thomas would use his power in the legislature to punish his chiropractic enemies, by side stepping the people signing requirement.

Senator and physician Sam Aanestad made it clear at the B&P hearing on Tuesday, that this bill represents what’s largely wrong in Sacramento. The democrat author files a bill, but says it might turn into something else, after "negotiations". No hearing on the merits of the bill, just power politics. Republicans need not apply. And, in this case, the chiropractors need not either.

But the good news is that the bill is Dead On Arrival. Everyone knows this. Ridley-Thomas is wasting valuable timber, ink and… Read More

Jon Fleischman


asdfaf … Read More