36th AD Update; Knight’s smart move, Ledford’s dumb one.
The race for the 36th Assembly Race is getting active. Because of the Runners dominance in races for this seat, many believe that this is an Antelope Valley Seat. Not true as it reached over to take in Victorville and other parts of San Bernardino County. Palmdale City Councilman Steve Knight as announce that he has a majority of the Victorville City Council on board. His campaign announced that Victorville Mayor Terry Caldwell, and Council Members Bob Hunter and Mike Rothschild endorsed the campaign. Smart move reaching over to the SB County folks. See press release below. Right now the only announced candidate running against Knight is Steve Fox. But everybody expects Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford to get into this race. He has some problem of his own. Controversy continues to swirl around his connections to the IBEW and their contributions to his failed assembly bid and his attepts to pay them off in Palmdale. You can read … Read More