Democrats attack term limits anywhere, anytime…
What is it with those in power, that have them totally unwilling to pass the baton so that others may have their opportunity to participate in the process? We’ve already written a lot (and I am sure will we see much more on this website) about the sham term limits "reform" measure being promoted by ‘termed out’ politicians Don Perata and Fabian Nunez (funny how this "reform" has the effect of allowing dozens of legislators currently forced to retire next your to instead serve in office for years longer).
Well, I just read over at Capitol Weekly (h/t to John Howard) that now the same Demcrats that are trying to short circuit meaningful term limits for State Capitol politicians are trying to nuke term limits for the Chairmanships of three important California regulatory agencies — the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and the Mojave District Air Quality Management District.
Term limits are a good thing, and especially in the case of those obscure agencies where board members… Read More