Today’s Commentary: State GOP Board Affirms Rules: Only Republicans Should Vote in ’08 Presidential Primary
Last Friday at a meeting in Orange County, the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party voted to affirm current party rules that state that you must be registered as a Republican in order to cast a ballot in California’s Presidential Primary this coming February.
As many FR readers know, last February I was elected by CRP delegates in the southern part of California to serve as their regional Vice Chairman on the Party’s Board of Directors. Along with my board colleague, Vice Chairman Tom Del Becarro, we jointly introduced a successful, one sentence resolution opposing any change in our current rules.
My decision to co-author this important statement from our Board came in light of news from National Committeeman Tim Morgan that if this current rule were to change, and non-Republicans were allowed to vote in the Presidential primary, it would likely not cost California any delegates (even though a change at the upcoming September convention would be after the deadline for states to submit their delegate selection process to the RNC).… Read More