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Barry Jantz

Iran Divestment…Full Steam Ahead

This just in from the Anderson outpost, across the Potomac from the CalPERS Hessians fortressed down in defense of terrorist states….

Key Senate Committee Passes Anderson’s bill to divest California from Iran Unanimous Vote by Senate Judiciary Committee Sacramento, CA – Thursday, the California State Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed (5-0) Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s (R-El Cajon) Assembly Bill 221 to divest California’s public retirement funds from billions of dollars invested in key businesses that invest in Iran.

“Once again, I am excited that my colleagues in the State Senate have shown strong bi-partisan support and leadership for this legislation, which will end California taxpayer’s investment in key foreign companies that invest in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Anderson. The legislation has 34 bipartisan coauthors.

AB 221, which was unanimously approved by the California State Assembly 75-0 two weeks ago, next goes to the Senate Appropriations committee prior to being voted on by the full Senate.

This historicRead More

Proud of my Governor, Disappointed in my Senator

It was a proud moment today when I read the Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed SB566, legislation that would have required rank and file Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) commissioners to be active members of their local union.

Senator Tom Harman was the ONLY Orange County Republican to vote for the Mark Ridley-Thomas bill.

The Governor said in his veto letter:

"To the Members of the California State Senate:

I am returning Senate Bill 566 without my signature. California’s peace officers are tasked with the important job of ensuring public safety. Each day their job requires decisions that can have a lasting impact on the lives of the citizens of this state and their trust in government. Peace officers need to be selected from a pool of high-caliber individuals.

In California, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training is the state entity responsible for setting the minimum standards for selection and training for California peace officers. Given the incredibly important nature of their work, we should strive to have a broad pool of candidates so this Commission has the best… Read More

Mike Spence

Long Beach to “study” violating Constitution.

According to LBReport, tonight the Long Beach Council will consider a proposal to require sellers of ammo to maintain all kinds of info for the police and "other" appointed officials to have access to. Clearly they want to discourage gun owners from their Second Amendment rights.

So why stop there? Why not demand identification from people that want city services to see if they are here illegally? I know, I know… it is just crazy talk and I’m being absurd. See LBReport post here.Read More

Mike Spence

JetBlue and Useful Idiots

The YearlyKos Convention is a collection of leftwing kooks and spoon benders that represent the real crazy part of the Democratic Party. Their sponsors include the usual suspects like the NEW, SIEU, and of course the publicly traded JetBlue airlines.

That’s right. I knew something was wrong when I flew JetBlue to the RNC Convention. The seats were comfy, they were nice to me. It was all a set up to try to spill GOP secrets. That won’t happen again.

Then again keeping in mind their recent problems maybe JetBlue isrun by liberals that always wanted to be government workers.

H/T to Dennis C Smith and Helen Najar or the info .See the proof here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP should reject the Perata/Nunez budget, and oppose ANY new bonds…

In the Golden Pen column today, our own Mike Der Manouel, Jr., lays out some sobering numbers about how state government spending is increasing at a pace vastly exceeding the growth of California’s population. Here is an excerpt from Mike’s piece: According to the Legislative Analyst, 10 years ago, the budget presented by Gov. Pete Wilson proposed the following spending: general fund, $50.3 billion; special funds, $14.3 billion; total, $64.6 billion; reserves, $553 million. Ten years later, the 2007-08 budget proposes: general fund, $103.1 billion; special funds, $27.7 billion; total, $131 billion. The increase in state spending over 10 years? A whopping 202%. During this same 10-year period, according to the Census Bureau and California’sRead More

Jon Fleischman

GOP should reject the Perata/Nunez budget, and oppose ANY new bonds…

In the Golden Pen column today, our own Mike Der Manouel, Jr., lays out some sobering numbers about how state government spending is increasing at a pace vastly exceeding the growth of California’s population. Here is an excerpt from Mike’s piece: According to the Legislative Analyst, 10 years ago, the budget presented by Gov. Pete Wilson proposed the following spending: general fund, $50.3 billion; special funds, $14.3 billion; total, $64.6 billion; reserves, $553 million. Ten years later, the 2007-08 budget proposes: general fund, $103.1 billion; special funds, $27.7 billion; total, $131 billion. The increase in state spending over 10 years? A whopping 202%. During this same 10-year period, according to the Census Bureau and California’sRead More

Jon Fleischman

Del Becarro and Morgan on CRP Board Vote to Affirm GOP-Only Primary

As I said in my commentary this morning, I invite all of my colleagues on the CRP Board to send in their thoughts on our vote to oppose any change in CRP Rules to allow non-Republicans to vote in our Presidential primary. I have input from two others so far, Vice Chairman Tom Del Becarro who co-authored the resolution with me, and National Committeeman Tim Morgan who voted against the motion:

TOM DEL BECARRO It would seem a rather obvious point. Registered Republicans should choose their party nominee for the upcoming Presidential election. However, there are some in the California Republican Party that favor changing our current rules to allow those registered as “decline to states” to vote in our primary to choose ourRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: State GOP Board Affirms Rules: Only Republicans Should Vote in ’08 Presidential Primary

Last Friday at a meeting in Orange County, the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party voted to affirm current party rules that state that you must be registered as a Republican in order to cast a ballot in California’s Presidential Primary this coming February.

As many FR readers know, last February I was elected by CRP delegates in the southern part of California to serve as their regional Vice Chairman on the Party’s Board of Directors. Along with my board colleague, Vice Chairman Tom Del Becarro, we jointly introduced a successful, one sentence resolution opposing any change in our current rules.

My decision to co-author this important statement from our Board came in light of news from National Committeeman Tim Morgan that if this current rule were to change, and non-Republicans were allowed to vote in the Presidential primary, it would likely not cost California any delegates (even though a change at the upcoming September convention would be after the deadline for states to submit their delegate selection process to the RNC).… Read More