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Jon Coupal

The hidden costs of gas-tax legislation

For the last three weeks this column has focused on both the policies and politics of the $5.2 billion annual transportation tax increase. In the unlikely event that some have forgotten — or were on another planet — the taxes include a substantial hike in the car tax as well as a 12 cent increase in the gas tax.

However, as one might hear in a low-budget, late-night television ad, “But wait, there’s more!” Specifically, the gas-tax hike which politicians tell us is 12 cents per gallon — which is bad enough — in actuality could be as high as 19 cents gallon. How is that possible?

The explanation is a bit complicated but important to understand. It involves a convoluted process known as the “gas tax swap” passed by the Legislature and implemented by the California Board of Equalization in 2010.

Read the entire piece: here.… Read More

Richard Rider

In CA, a disabled parking permit is forever. REALLY. Forever!

An audit of California’s state disability parking permits reveals . . . and this doubtless will stun you . . . government incompetence. Not that anyone REALLY cares, of course.

Many people got their coveted disabled stickers improperly. The acquisition process is slipshod at best.

But the best part is that 35,000 disabled people have died, yet their “disabled” placards are still out there. Hard to imagine, but it’s likely that in many cases the “bereaved” have continued to use these wonderful permits –perhaps as a tribute to the deceased!

Not only are these permits good for the “blue” parking spaces, they also allow folks to park free at any parking meter, PLUS one no longer need worry about the amount if TIME in a metered space. Apparently disabled people are all POOR people. Good to know.

Coincidentally my back pain has REALLY started to act up today. Seems I need to find a “special” kind of doctor to properly diagnose my “disability.” Given that this placard will serve my beneficiaries well, this new quest gives my remaining life purpose!… Read More

Jon Coupal

More sleight of hand with gas tax hikes

If Gov. Brown and members of the California Legislature think that the backlash against the car and gas tax increases will subside any time soon, they are mistaken.

Our political elites are learning that taxes on cars and gasoline remain very unpopular because they fall disproportionately on the working Californians — which is where the majority of voters reside. And the resentment might only grow when the taxes actually kick in.

There are times when Californians are simply resigned to pay higher taxes imposed by Sacramento, but this might not be one of those times. Many are calling for a referendum of the tax hikes only to be disappointed with the news that, under the California Constitution, a tax increase can’t be repealed via a referendum. Nonetheless, it is possible that the tax package can be rolled back via an initiative and some groups are pondering that course of action. Other interests want more immediate action and are openly discussing recall efforts against some legislators who supported the tax package.

Read the entire piece… Read More

Richard Rider

2016 Trump vote tells California Republicans which states to flee to

When weighing one’s exit strategy from California (all sane Californians should be giving this topic some thought), it’s important to pick a state that won’t turn zombie on you after you move there. Plan ahead.

For instance, Nevada has many attractive aspects, but it voted for Hillary in 2016. BOTH of its state legislative houses are now controlled by Democrats (the lower house by a LOT). Only a Republican governor provides some protection against the rising Democrat tide in this state. And how likely is it that the governorship will remain in GOP hands? Avoid any permanent move to Nevada — unless you are quite willing to move again when they institute a state income tax (IF an income tax matters a lot to you).

Here’s a good starting point for weighing the relative sanity and safety of states — use the 2016 presidential vote as a guide. More important than WHO won is how MUCH they won by. The higher the Trump percentage vote, the less likely that the state will later bite you.

Now I say that as a person who didn’t vote for Trump! I voted for Gary Johnson. In California with its standard “all or… Read More

Katy Grimes

Hypocritical Leftists Cause Sacramento Brewer to Shut Down

An East Sacramento brewery owner who faced a very public protest of his restaurant after he posted a critique of the women’s march on Facebook, has been forced to closehis business.

Freedom of information,speech and the press is firmly rooted in western democratic thought, and protected by the U.S. Constitution. But in California, apparently that western democratic thought isn ‘t so free anymore.

“I am disgusted at all of the people and politicians that supported this anti-Trump event,” Daniel Murphy posted on his personal Facebook page in January – not on the Facebook page forTwelve Rounds Brewing Company.

“But Murphy’s post about the march was not his only political message,” the Sacramento Bee deviouslyreported. “He has made comments… Read More

Richard Rider

We need “progressive” restaurants. Give liberals a choice!

Recently my wife went with a friend to a Vegan restaurant. She found it interesting, and enjoyed the experience. She tells me that even the food was good.

But it got me thinking. People value choice in their lives — even progressives. Why doesn’t some liberal group start an explicitly “progressive” restaurant chain — incorporating all the “workers’ paradise” options they so cherish? Given that most people are politically progressive (ask any progressive for verification), it would seem to be a goldmine — let’s ignore the evil of making a profit for the moment.

Liberals would flock to such an establishment. They’d be MORALLY OBLIGATED to do so. The eatery would have a intellectually PC-captive clientele!

The mind reels, thinking of all the progressive policies that could be implemented — that MUST be implemented. Here is only a partial list of the mandatory features of such a culinary establishment — in no particular order:

Living wage for all. Indeed, no way a person can raise two kids in La Jolla on a paltry $15/hour wage. Think … Read More

Jon Coupal

Gas tax hike recalls Gray Davis

Writing in 2007, Los Angeles Times editorial writer Robert Greene stated, “The defining issue of the 2003 recall was Gov. Gray Davis’ tripling of the car tax, more officially known as the vehicle license fee. The defining issue of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s successful campaign to unseat Davis was his promised rollback of the said car tax.”

Greene went on to document the relationship of the car tax, the gas tax and the diversion of this revenue from transportation infrastructure to shore up a chronically unbalanced state budget. The contortions and machinations by state officials behind this diversion of funds was difficult to follow. What was not difficult to follow, however, was the public’s disdain for the car tax, a fact to which former Gov. Davis will attest.

The transportation tax package just approved by the California Legislature — greased with ample amounts of pork — is a lot more than just an increase in the car registration tax. It also imposes a 12-cents-per-gallon gas tax, and will cost the average California family of four over $250 annually. If state politicians wanted to inflame California taxpayers, they couldn’t have picked a better… Read More

Katy Grimes

Jerry Brown’s Crumbling Road Show and Legislative Circus

Democrats just passed the largest gas tax increase in California history. The deal is so bad they needed $1 Billion in payola to buy enough votes to pass it. And shamefully, only 60 percent of the gas tax collected from SB 1, authored by Democrat Senator Jim Beall (D-San Jose), will actually be used for road maintenance and repairs. Environmentalists got plenty of taxpayer-funded payola as well including money for more public transit, and for walking and bicycling projects.

SB 1 does nothing to relieve traffic congestion or expand highway lane capacity. If Democrats and Gov. Jerry Brown are… Read More

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