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Jon Fleischman

The Democrat Budget and Villines’ Judgment Call

Last night the California State Assembly passed a budget and sent it over to the Senate for their approval or rejection. The budget came out of the lower house with the support of all Democrats present, and slightly over the minimum number of Republican votes to get to the two-thirds required.

Let me start this commentary by reminding FR readers that like almost all of you, I am a far-away spectator to what goes on under the Capitol dome — I am in Southern California myself. Not being a denizen of the State Capitol, one tends to have a better perspective, I think, of the big picture. So from here, I can tell you that the passage of this budget out of the Assembly is nothing that should excite taxpayers, and certainly it is not good news for Republican Party leaders, donors and activists. The budget that was passed this morning was not support by over two-thirds of GOP legislators for a reason — it is a vastly inferior budget to one that would have been passed if there was a Republican majority in… Read More

Mike Spence

Old Politicians Never Die they just….Run for Local Office

Former Democratic Assemblyman Ed Chavez has filed to run for the Mount San Antonio Community College District. Ed was term limited last year and his wife lost the Democratic Primary for the 57th Assembly District to Ed Hernandez.

Los Angeles Countyhas many off year elections. You can get info here.

There are three seats up. Two are held by Republicans, long time GOP volunteer Fred Chyr and Roseanne Bader, former Assemblyman’s Chuck Bader’s wife.

Does that mean he is ruling out a race for Gloria Romero’s seat?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Senate set to meet at 11am to consider the budget…

OK, everyone ready for day two of "As State Government Grows"?

The big fat state budget (ok, it is a little less big and fat due to some negotiations) has been passed in the Assembly and transmitted over to the Senate, where it awaits action.

The big question is what will happen to it there. There has been some coverage of Senate President Don Perata grousing about provisions in the package that he doesn’t like. I don’t buy that for a minute. Can you say "posturing" — I can! Perata is an old hand at this game. He knows that passing out the existing Democrat-driven (GOP tinkered with) budget is a great deal for all of California’s special interests as it by and large maintains the status quo on how our state operates.

That said, as a shrewd negotiator will do, he HAS to be vocally critical of the plan from the left, in order to "do the dance" with Senate Republicans who have been saying the plan does not go far enough in terms of being fiscally prudent. Perata would like to choreograph this dance so that waiting at the center of the dance floor is the Assembly-passed bill.

Senate… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Budget Dance in the Senate – Perata “locks the doors”

I have been in meetings most of the day, and returned to a plethora of emails asking for updates on the budget kabuki dance.

The Senate took up the budget as passed over in the Assembly, which failed on a 25-14 vote with all of the GOP Senators voting no except Abel Maldonado who courageously…abstained? Of course, this bloated and fat budget needs 27 votes to pass.

Senate President Don Perata has now in Soviet style “locked down” the Senate, keeping the members there to “force” some sort of bill through.

In hearing the concerns of Senate Republicans, it is clear that they should be commended, as they are insisting on a better budget for Californians.

It will be interesting to see what happens. Assembly GOP Leader did a deal, figuring it was as good as it was going to get. This is not good enough for Dick Ackerman and his GOP Senators.

Perhaps when Don Perata eventually grows up and “frees” the Senators, the Senate and Assembly GOPers can go somewhere and come to an agreement. That said, I am in favor of whomever wants to hold out for the best deal for taxpayers.

It is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Update: Caucus Time

An update for the night-owls, the Assembly Republican Caucus is now meeting and legislators are ‘locked in’ which means there is likely a budget vote immenent. We’ll see what happens..… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call article on U.S. Rep. John Doolittle

From today’s Roll Call Newspaper back in DC… Weak Fundraising Doolittle’s Latest Woe By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff Republicans in Rep. John Doolittle’s (R-Calif.) district are continuing to sour on the nine-term Congressman * but GOP leaders and potential primary challengers are for now refraining from making any public moves to push the lawmaker aside. Reflecting his weakened political position, Doolittle closed theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Barry Manilow’s candidate for President, Jerry Lewis’ name turns up in Cunningham FBI paperwork, more…

Some passing thoughts on today’s news…

Today, our friends over at the Capitol Weekly have released a ‘scorecard’ on the state legislature. We’re still digesting it, but are open to any observations from FR readers before we release our ‘rating of the CW ratings’ — though my first observation… In a world where traditionally the higher you score on something, the better, it is notable that on a scale of 0 – 100, it is the 0 that makes you the right winger, and a 100 that makes you a socialist. Go figure… From the "Tales of the Bizarre" files — LA Times writer Don Frederick is reporting that Barry Manilow has written a big check to the candidate of libertarian-Republican Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Presidency. I guess watching Uncle Sam take such a big cut of those checks from the MGM in Vegas finally got the better of our favorite 70’s icon. I was very impressed with the … Read More

Jon Fleischman

For the 2007-8 budget, the line in the sand… No deficit spending.

As the budget dance continues with the legislative leaders trying to work through various issues, it would appear that there is one big question for this year’s budget… Will it be balanced? Will it spend no more than projected revenue? That ultimately is the core mission of Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines. We can have a discussion another day about what an ideal budget would look like, the kind we will never see as long as the partisan gerrymander of California ensures a liberal majority in both legislative houses. But the discussion for this year is deficit spending. There is no reason why budgeted expenditures for California government cannot fall within its income, will room to spare for a prudent reserve. Not only is this is a reasonable ‘non-negotiable’ line in the sand, but it is hard for me to figure out how this year, ANY legislator can vote for a budget that contains a budget deficit… Read More