War Profiteer Moore\’s Sicko Is On Life Support
War profiteer Michael Moore, who made north of $250 million exploiting America’s decision to fight terrorism by producing a movie, Fahrenheit 911, has reason to have a fever these days.
His latest attack on American industry, the movie "Sicko", isa bust. Apparently all the people in this country supposedly upset about our health care system aren’t so upset that they are going to see this movie. The gross to date is $19 million – and is going nowhere fast.
The World Health Organization ranks the US 37th in its healthcare system and the French 1st. Problem is, almost nobody from here goes anywhere outside the US for treatment. Oh, there are a few, but we are a net importer of people looking for great healthcare, which we do provide in this country to everyone who needs it, including millions of illegal immigrants.… Read More