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Jon Fleischman

Jon Coupal and Ted Costa on the State Budget – Putting the red light on spending…

Today’s Commentary is guest-authored by two reknowned taxfighters — Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and Ted Costa of the People’s Advocate…

Putting the red light on spending By Jon Coupal and Ted Costa California faces a fiscal crisis that may soon drown taxpayers in billions of dollars of debt. The facts speak for themselves: Controller John Chiang says unfunded pension liabilities just for state employees are at a minimum $50 billion—and growing. In addition, California is facing at least a $5 billion structural budget deficit and tens of billions of dollars in bond debt.Read More

Barry Jantz

Gov’s SD Fair Board Appointments

This in from the Governor’s office. The first one is a big appointment for someone relatively new to town, but hardly surprising given the appointee’s impressive background.

BTW, please note that all four "Del Mar Fair Board" (hey, I’m a purist, I still call it what I want) appointees are Republicans. All four.

Ruben Barrales, 45, of Del Mar, has been appointed to the San Diego County Fair Board of Directors (22nd District Agricultural Association). He has served as president and chief executive officer of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce since 2006. Barrales previously served as a deputy assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2006 where he was the President’s liaison to state and local elected officials. Prior to that, he served on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors for four years. Barrales is a member of the California Speaker’s Commission on State and Local Government Finance, the California Commission of Local Governance for the 21st Century and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. This position does not require Senate confirmation and thereRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblywoman Audra Strickland: Kudos to Senate GOPers

We received this commentary from Assemblywoman Audra Strickland, who hails from Ventura County. The Republican legislator had this to say:

Kudos to Senate Republicans for Insisting on a Balanced Budget By Assemblywoman Audra Strickland When I first ran for office, I told the voters of my district that I would be responsible in spending their hard-earned dollars. To me, that means not supporting increased or new taxes, providing benefits to illegal immigrants or spending more than the revenues the state takes in.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Boxer is off to Greenland…

Over at the Orange County Register, Dena Bunis is reporting that Barbara Boxer is headed for Greenland. We can only hope that it is a one way ticket… Hmmm, I wonder if Arnold can run for President of Greenland? … Read More

Jon Fleischman

40 Budget Reforms Proposed by Senator McClintock

In advance of tomorrow’s picking up of the Senate Budget dance, State Senator Tom McClintock has posted up a fairly lengthy list of suggested places where the State of California could inhale, and then tighten up the belt a little bit. Below is the Senator’s blog post from his Citizens for the California Republican website (lifted with permission) and at the bottom of his comments is a link over to the CFCR website where he has posted up a letter from McClintock to Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, with 40 suggested reforms for the California budget.

THE NEXT STEP By Senator Tom McClintockRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Denham: Assembly’s Proposed Budget Only Intensifies California’s Fiscal Problems

This just over the transom from the office of State Senator Jeff Denham…

Assembly’s Proposed Budget Only Intensifies California’s Fiscal Problems By Senator Jeff Denham, 12th District As a State Senator, I took an oath to uphold the State Constitution. That means a budget that balances every year. I understand that the decisions I make, and the way I vote, doesn’t just impact me. It also doesn’t just affect the 850,000 constituents in the 12th Senate District that I represent. My votes impact everyone one of us who lives in this gloriousRead More

Jon Fleischman

Politics over Fairness at the Judicial Nominations Evaluation Committee

Yesterday there were a few MSM articles generated because the State Bar’s "Jennie" Commision gave an unfavorable rating to one of Governor Schwarzenegger’s new judicial appointments, conservative Republican Elia Pirozzi. In response to this rating by the bar, the FR reached out to Steve Baric, the President of the California Republican Lawyers Association for some commentary. As with all attorneys, brevity is not Steve’s longsuit. But he pens a compelling post below…

On its website, the California State Bar states that the mission of the Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (JNE) of the State Bar of California is to assist the Governor in the judicial selection process and thereby to promote a California judiciary of quality and integrity by providing independent, comprehensive, accurate, and fair evaluations of candidates for judicial appointment and nomination. A noble mission. However, in practice the above isRead More

Carl Fogliani

Aghazarian Unanimously Endorsed by Senate Republicans

Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian has received the unanimous endorsement of the Senate Republican Caucus in his race to succeed term-limited democrat Senator Mike Machado.

Aghazarian continues to build momentum in what promises to be the hottest Senate race of the cycle. With a history of running in targeted seats and a strong record of accomplishment, Aghazarian decided to run in the open 5th district and give the GOP it’s best shot at claiming this seat. Aghazarian also brings a battle hardened political team to the table in a race without a strong Democrat candidate.

"Greg is positioned very well for this target seat," said Aghazarian Spokesman Tim Clark. "He has shown a strong ability to win votes from independents and swing Central Valley Democrats. And, he also has the advantage of not having an incumbent to run against."… Read More