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Jon Fleischman

The Details of the Senate Republican Budget Proposal

For all of you FR readers who want to be able to personally review the proposals by Senate Republicans, we are pleased, in working with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman’s office, to provide links directly to some very helpful documents (all will download in .pdf format).

You can join the FlashReport in a fun game — what does the media do with these? They have the same source documentation that you have available to you. Let’s see if they manage to write any kind of balanced stories about the important fiscal reforms being championed by Senate Republicans…

Republican Budget: Specific Reductions This spreadsheet enumerates specific State Budget reductions proposed by the Senate Republicans that will ensure a balanced spending plan for California.

Republican Budget: Trailer Bill Information This document briefly describes the problems with two Budget Trailer Bills and the solutions proposed by the Senate Republicans.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Cogdill: Is “Overcrowding” a Good Enough Reason for Early Release of Criminals

State Senator Dave Cogdill has this observation to make about the recent decision by two federal court judges to set an arbitrary population cap for state prison inmates, with the necessary release of inmates that goes along with that… In the Legislature, when considering public safety matters, we used to debate whether or not to increase or reduce sentences, whether or not to increase or decrease penalties. It’s a constant back and forth between those of us who want to be tough on crime and criminals and those who would like to see mandates on criminals eased up. I proudly belong to the former group. There is no logic behind fighting crime by relaxing laws. However, it is part of the liberal toolbox – right up there with lowering classroom standards in order to make sure everybody passes.

The most recent twist to the unfolding prison crisisRead More

Jon Fleischman

An assertive Senate GOP Caucus – their time has come!

Former Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte is an early riser, and we’ve already chatted this morning. He said that from telephone calls, e-mails and text messages with his former colleagues, he has not seen Senate Republicans this united in many years. This morning I also spoke with the current Senate Republican Leader, Dick Ackerman, who told me that he expects all fifteen members of his caucus to vote for an amendment to the currently proposed budget that eliminates California’s structural deficit.

Ackerman has given an overview of some of the proposals by Senate Republicans in an exclusive piece for the FlashReport this morning. But as soon as they are officially released, look for the FR to post up all of the detailed reforms and cuts being proposed by Senate Republicans to begin a process of reigning in some of the excessive spending in state government, with a particular eye on some of the more egregious examples of misprioritized spending by Democrats. If the watchers of Capitol politics are looking for telltale signs of Senate GOP unity, you need… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Margett: Enough is Enough: Fix California’s Budget Problems Now

Just over transom from State Senator Bob MargettAt the end of last week, my Senate Republican colleagues and I decided to make a stand against careless state spending and say “No” to an irresponsible and rash budget passed by the Assembly in a “middle of the night, get out of town” session. To me and my fellow members of the Senate Republican Caucus, crafting a fiscally responsible budget takes precedence over postponing tough decisions and voting for a budget that continues to spend more than the state takes in. This week, Senate Republicans introduced a budget proposal that makes the tough decisions necessary to stopRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An assertive Senate GOP Caucus – their time has come!

Former Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte is an early riser, and we’ve already chatted this morning. He said that from telephone calls, e-mails and text messages with his former colleagues, he has not seen Senate Republicans this united in many years. This morning I also spoke with the current Senate Republican Leader, Dick Ackerman, who told me that he expects all fifteen members of his caucus to vote for an amendment to the currently proposed budget that eliminates California’s structural deficit.

Ackerman has given an overview of some of the proposals by Senate Republicans in an Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa



The Senators were in earlier, looking at a new proposal to try to settle up the budget, to be heard in their next session tomorrow, so that the Dems get 24 hours of review. This is a first in my five years. Usually a package is sent over to us in the Assembly to either put out, or agonize over for a few more weeks. This time around the lower house got one out first.

I’ve an idea of issuing legislators special calendars for all their offices, homes and Crackberry phones that have April and May ripped out of them so that, at the end of March, JuneRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Ackerman responds to Perata – Must Read

Below is the text of a letter sent this evening from Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman to President Pro-Tem and all around big spender Don Perata. It is a response to a letter from Perata to Ackerman (also reprinted down below, for context). At some point, perhaps Perata will stop playing games and get back to negotiating on the budget. If he doesn’t hurry, voters might reject his term-limits extension measure, and Perata might have to return to the private sector next year…

July 25, 2007 The Honorable Don Perata Senate President pro Tempore State Capitol, Room 205Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Ashburn: Senate Republicans – Standing United

Here is an exclusive commentary from State Senator Roy Ashburn for FR readers…

Senate Republicans – Standing United Last week fifteen Republican State Senators faced down a political freight train and brought it to a grinding halt. By remaining united just fifteen of the one hundred and twenty California Legislators were able to draw a line in the sand and say “No” to an irresponsible State budget. To compare our ordeal to that of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae might be a bit of a stretch, but there have been times this week when it certainly felt like it.Read More