Rescue Dawn – – The best summer movie
Last night I had an amazing experience. I saw a war movie, made in Hollywood, that wasn’t anti-American. How could this be?
The folks from the Liberty Film Festival warn us to expect a flood of hate America war films blaming Americans for shooting Islamic terrorists, increasing global warming and trying to upset leftists dictators. Assuredly, those films will lose tons of money, take George Clooney’s embarrassing Syriana failure last year.
Rescue Dawn is a true story of an American POW pilot Dieter Dengler. WIth his first mission for the Navy. he was shot down by Soviet anti aircraft weapons in Vietnam. His story of capture, refusing to submit, torture, humiliation but tempered with a spirit of optimism and survival is inspiring. In fact, not a single word was expressed against the Vietnam War. The commies looked like lousy commies. The good guys were good.