Today’s Commentary: The Case For Senate Republicans And A Better Budget
With a lot of the spin (especially in the liberal media) out there being that, "the Republicans are holding up a state budget," I thought I would take an opportunity to walk FR readers through this budget process, and how this simply isn’t the case. The reality is that the process of negotiating a budget acceptable to all parties simply fell apart. Let us start with the understanding that the California State Constitution provides that a state budget must receive the votes of two-thirds of the votes in both chambers of the State Legislature. Then let us look at the budget process as it took place (such that it did) during the Spring. First of all, and most unfortunate in this process, is that Governor Schwarzenegger introduced a budget that contained billions of dollars in deficit spending. From there, the ‘formal’ process of approving a budget through hearings and such was a partisan game, where as part of posturing on the eminent budget negotiations, every decision made was in favor of liberalism and spending. Make no bones about it, Republicans have and continue to have the same concerns about the size and… Read More