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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Hiltachk Electoral College Reform Initiative

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary…

Affirmative Action for the Electoral College

Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, knows a trap when he sees one. The Democratic state legislature in North Carolina was on a fast track to pass a bill that would have ended the practice of apportioning all that state’s Electoral College votes to the statewide winner. Instead, the winner of each of its 13 Congressional districts would win one electoral vote, while the remaining two (representing the state’s two U.S. Senate seats) would go to the statewide winner. In 2004, under the proposed formula, John Kerry would… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Hedgecock Drops A Political Bomb

Explosive news from talk show host Roger Hedgecock today…

Firefighter Heroes Battle Gay Sexual Harassment

The Pulitzer Prize winning San Diego Union-Tribune gushed about the "diverse display" present at this year’s San Diego Gay Pride Parade, bragging that "politicians and firefighters joined bikers and drag queens" and "fans yelled ‘heroes’ when members of the San Diego Fire Departmentpassed by…".

Reality, is another story all together—a hideously distasteful display of sexual harassment that was actively suppressed by the media covering this event. Instead they reported on the event with the same enthusiasm that older generations of Americans lavish on the hometown Fourth of July parade.

According to the four firefighters who rode their San Diego Fire-Rescue truck last month in San Diego’s Gay Pride Parade this is what really happened:

The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department’s self-professed lesbian Fire Chief ordered Engine 5 (through the chain of command) to participate in the Parade. Capt. John Ghiotto and his crew, consisting of –Engineer Jason… Read More

Mike Spence

Gambling at the Queen Mary?

A critical part of putting Long Beach on the map has been the anchoring of the Queen Mary decades ago. The only problem is they haven’t made any money. There are currentlyfour bids to develop that area. See here.

LBReport has revealed one councilwoman’s idea to turn the Queen Mary in to a gambling site. See here.The Queen Mary brought my grandfather to the US from Germany after WWII. No word on if they also transported an Native Americans. Maybe it it will affiliate with the nearby Larry Flynt’s Hustler Casino. Still seems this is a bad idea….that would make a lot of money.… Read More

Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: The California Healthcare Fallacy

Besides the foundering State budget, one of the biggest "debates" in Sacramento surrounds a handful of proposals for "Universal Healthcare."

First, let’s be clear – these proposals have little to do wit improving healthcare – they are about who is going to pickup the tab (no pun intended) – and who can generate a few headlines.

The governor wants to split costs between businesses, hospitals and physicians. Democrats want government to foot the bill. Either way, taxpayers will end up shouldering most of the burden.

**There is more – click the link**

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Tab Berg

The California Healthcare Fallacy

Besides the foundering State budget, one of the biggest debates “raging” in Sacramento surrounds a handful of proposals for Universal Healthcare.

But first, let’s be clear – these proposals have little to do with improving healthcare – they are about who is going to pick up the tab (no pun intended) – and who can get a few headlines.

The Governor wants businesses, hospitals and physicians to pay; the Democrats want government to foot the bill. Both plans will result in taxpayers shouldering most of the burden.

Both are trying to sell the proposals as providing kids and families the healthcare. Both are wrong — and they probably know it.

None of the proposals will improve the quality of healthcare. None of them will contain escalating costs. None of them will reduce long waits at overcrowded doctor’s offices or the shortage of trauma centers, specialty doctors (especially OB-GYN) or healthcare workers.

Everyone should be concerned with the outcome of this debate, because implementing either the Schwarzenegger or Democrat plans will result in healthcare being rationed by same people who run the DMV, long delays… Read More

Past Few Days Unkind To Democratic Congressman Jerry McNerney (CD 11), Maldonado Un-Abel To Assuage Democrats With Budget Vote

What an incredible past few days for California political news. First, the fundraising disclosure reports were unveiled, state budget deliberations ongoing, and a surprise development in a targeted Congressional seat.

In what clearly was the harshest week for freshman Democratic Congressman Jerry McNerney (CD 11), McNerney learned that he continues to frustrate his strongest base of supporters: the far-left grassroots activists and liberal internet denizens who last November helped the political neophyte topple 7-term incumbent GOP Congressman Richard Pombo in one of the nation’s most shocking Republican Party defeats.

Earlier, McNerney angered his supporters and donors when he voted against Congressman James McGovern’s proposal to order an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. On Democratic Party-affiliated websites, former supporters and campaigners for McNerney blasted the frosh lawmaker for “voting with Bush enablers on Iraq.” Although subsequent votes on Iraq policy may have soothed ruffled left-wing feathers; last week, McNerney cast a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Amanda, in the Governor’s office, probably didn’t sign up for this…

Seems to be that it would be a pretty big honor, at the relatively young age of 27, to be named associate deputy director of communications in the Office of the Governor. And I am sure that in the five or so months that Amanda Fulkerson has worked with communications veterans like Adam Mendelsohn and Aaron McLear (Aaron, you’ve come a long way from working for the RNC), she has learned a tremendous amount in what amounts to a ‘trial by fire’ job as Arnold Schwarzenegger draws media coverage from all around the world, on a constant basis.

Naturally, in the course of doing her job (which I hear from folks she does very well), she has a responsibility to work with third-party messaging (that is to get ‘strategic partners’ on efforts by the Governor to weigh in publicly, on message, in support of the Governor’s agenda, and in support of the Governor). That said, you have to wonder what her reaction was when Mendolsohn and McLear, stalwart Republicans both, pulled Amanda aside and said, we want you to go out to some of the Governor’s loyal GOP appointees out there and do like you do with our other efforts, get them talking points,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Amanda, in the Governor’s office, probably didn’t sign up for this…

Seems to be that it would be a pretty big honor, at the relatively young age of 27, to be named associate deputy director of communications in the Office of the Governor. And I am sure that in the five or so months that Amanda Fulkerson has worked with communications veterans like Adam Mendelsohn and Aaron McLear (Aaron, you’ve come a long way from working for the RNC), she has learned a tremendous amount in what amounts to a ‘trial by fire’ job as Arnold Schwarzenegger draws media coverage from all around the world, on a constant basis.

Naturally, in the course of doing her job (which I hear from folks she does very well), she has a responsibility to work with third-party messaging (that is to get ‘strategic partners’ on efforts by the Governor to weigh in publicly, on message, in support of the Governor’s agenda, and in support of the Governor). That said, you have to wonder what her reaction was when Mendolsohn and McLear, stalwart Republicans both, pulled Amanda aside and said, we want you to go out to some of the Governor’s loyal GOP appointees out there and do like you do with our other efforts, get them talking points,… Read More