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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Back In The Saddle

Well, tomorrow is when the State Legislature reconvenes. The Assembly and Senators return from the four corners of the earth to finish out this years legislative session after a 30 day summer recessduring which, shamefully, abalanced budget was not agreed upon. There has been some discussions lately amongst budget negotiators. Will that result in a balanced budget soon, or by Halloween? Will there instead be, as Senator Denham proposed,a "continuing resolution" as a stop gap spending measure to pay the states bills to the vendors, the clinics, etc.,those that expect them?

If no budget agreement, I hope so…the legislature’spoll ratings hang in the balance! The polling done on the deceptive term limit extension initiative fortifies the opinion the public has of the legislature…people do believe that it kicks legislators out sooner, so they favor the initiative…for now. Wait til they hear… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: Back In The Saddle

Well, tomorrow is when the State Legislature reconvenes. The Assembly and Senators return from the four corners of the earth to finish out this years legislative session after a 30 day summer recessduring which, shamefully, abalanced budget was not agreed upon. There has been some discussions lately amongst budget negotiators. Will that result in a balanced budget soon, or by Halloween? Will there instead be, as Senator Denham proposed,a "continuing resolution" as a stop gap spending measure to pay the states bills to the vendors, the clinics, etc.,those that expect them?

If no budget agreement, I hope so…the legislature’spoll ratings hang in the balance! The polling done on the deceptive term limit extension initiative fortifies the opinion the public has of the legislature…people do believe that it kicks legislators out sooner, so they favor the initiative…for now. Wait til they hear… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My photo on the front page of the Merc! How cool…

Check out my photo on the front page of yesterday’s San Jose Mercury News (at the bottom). You can see the large version of that shot on our About The FlashReport page… (h/t to Edwin Garcia of the Merc for sending the link to this graphic!).Read More

Jon Fleischman

AUDIO: Ronald Reagan speaks out against socialized medicine…

On this quiet Saturday, enjoy some of the top stories on the main page, including a FRONT PAGE profile of the FlashReport in the San Jose Mercury News, great news about the State GOP alleviating itself of a $3 million debt, and a profile in the LA Times on State Senate Republicans in this budget impasse.

If you have a few minutes, below you can listen to a great speech given by Ronald Reagan, before he was elected President, speaking out against socialized medicine.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Day 31 : Korean Christians Held by Taliban

Sunday will be one month since 23 Korean Christian medical volunteers were kidnapped by the Islamist Taliban , while working in Gazing province in Afghanistan. Two of the male volunteers, one a co founder and minister of a large Christian church in Korea, were murdered. Two of the women have been released. The Korean government is reportedly "negotiating" with the kidnappers. Payment for the hostages is widely anticipated.

While press reports have declined in the US, the hostage crisis gets white heat coverage in Asia. Here in Los Angeles, an organization called Concerned Citizens for Korean Hostages in Afghanistan urged in a press conference the release of the captives. Many different religious groups joined in the demand for the release. The controversial Muslim Public Affairs Council MPAC [ see HERE at this link ] joined this group. Recently MPAC was listed by the US Attorney General’s office as an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case of funding Hamas.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: AUDIO: Ronald Reagan speaks out against socialized medicine…

On this quiet Saturday, enjoy some of the top stories on the main page, including a FRONT PAGE profile of the FlashReport in the San Jose Mercury News, great news about the State GOP alleviating itself of a $3 million debt, and a profile in the LA Times on State Senate Republicans in this budget impasse.

If you have a few minutes, below you can listen to a great speech given by Ronald Reagan, before he was elected President, speaking out against socialized medicine. Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard: Senate Republicans Break Their Rusty Cage

Today’s Commentary is guest-authored by California Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard, an outstanding conservative leader here in the Golden State…

Senate Republicans Break Their Rusty Cage Imagine a friend with talking parrots. He keeps them in a cage all year covered with a drape, feeds them occasionally, cleans their cage less often, yet once a year around June 30th when the relatives come to visit he drags out the cage, pulls off the drape, and orders the parrots to talk. This is the Senate Republican Caucus. And because they have not performed on cue they are being called obstructionist, stubborn, uncooperative, and even terrorists.

The truth is that the Democrats’ changes to the Governor’s Budget have only been available since mid-June and the Republicans have been detailing their objections to that “work product”… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bill Leonard: Senate Republicans Break Their Rusty Cage

Today’s Commentary is guest-authored by California Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard, an outstanding conservative leader here in the Golden State…

Senate Republicans Break Their Rusty Cage Imagine a friend with talking parrots. He keeps them in a cage all year covered with a drape, feeds them occasionally, cleans their cage less often, yet once a year around June 30th when the relatives come to visit he drags out the cage, pulls off the drape, and orders the parrots to talk. This is the Senate Republican Caucus. And because they have not performed on cue they are being called obstructionist, stubborn, uncooperative, and even terrorists.

The truth is that the Democrats’ changes to the Governor’s Budget have only been available since mid-June and the Republicans have been detailing their objections to that “work product”… Read More