Back In The Saddle
Well, tomorrow is when the State Legislature reconvenes. The Assembly and Senators return from the four corners of the earth to finish out this years legislative session after a 30 day summer recessduring which, shamefully, abalanced budget was not agreed upon. There has been some discussions lately amongst budget negotiators. Will that result in a balanced budget soon, or by Halloween? Will there instead be, as Senator Denham proposed,a "continuing resolution" as a stop gap spending measure to pay the states bills to the vendors, the clinics, etc.,those that expect them?
If no budget agreement, I hope so…the legislature’spoll ratings hang in the balance! The polling done on the deceptive term limit extension initiative fortifies the opinion the public has of the legislature…people do believe that it kicks legislators out sooner, so they favor the initiative…for now. Wait til they hear… Read More