Sunday San Diego…Union Now!, Hunter Seat Latest, and More
Union Now!… While on vacation, I did take note that the fellow travelers in attendance at the first annual dailykos convention a couple of weeks ago called for a bloggers union. They don’t get compensated for their blogging, no fringe benefits, not even anemployer for most of them … but they want a union. Kinda difficult at the bargaining table when there’s no management sitting across from you. Maybe they want the government to pay for their web opinions. This, apparently, is another example of that referred to as "the dumbing down of America." Or, perhaps, Amerika.
Jon, waddayya think, do you have a large enough blogpen of correspondents here at FR for us to form a union? Mike Spence can be Johnny Friendly, and in between Jim Lacy and Mike Houston we’ll have the legal waterfront covered. I coulda been somebody, if you had only paid me.
Kudos to North County Times on GOP Budget Holdouts…. It’s worth repeating that a local paper gets it. From Thursday’s… Read More