Today’s Commentary: Call for GOP Solidary, Novak Highlights CA GOP House Delegation Friction, Spitzer: Legal Update
LEGISLATURE RETURNS – TIME FOR SOME GOP SOLIDARITY AND UNITY With the legislature reconvening today in the State Capitol, it means that Assembly Republicans will all be back together for the first time since Fabian Nunez abruptly (and unwisely) adjourned the Assembly before a final budget was put on the Governor’s desk. Today would be a good day for Assembly Republicans to hold a press conference to make some key points.
We stand in solidarity with our Republican colleagues in the Senate — the reforms for which they are holding out are important, and we believe the Democrats should be listening to them. We do not support the Governor’s efforts to go into the districts of our Republican colleagues to pressure them to give up on these important reforms. We call on all Senators to reject the proposed budget as long as the tax-cut package negotiated by Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines is being held up by Don Perata. A strong statement that without that tax-cut package, there would not have been a budget passed out of the Assembly at … Read More