Senator Tom McClintock: State GOP must endorse the CA Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act
All FlashReport readers should take a few minutes to read this correspondence below from State Senator Tom McClintock (see the .pdf version here). This letter recognizes an important reality — that that a coalition of groups led by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and others has raised the necessary funds and is currently qualifying a ballot measure for next year to provide California property owners with the necessary rights to so that they can fight-off unfair "takings" via eminent domain. This is significant because the redevelopment industry is trying to twist GOP arms to get a fake fix (ACA 8) on the ballot via legislative vote (which takes a 2/3 vote of each chamber) to try and STOP the real eminent domain reform bill currently being qualified for the ballot… The good news — GOP legislators aren’t buckling under their pressure.