FlashReport Court Victory Spurs Union-Backed Legislation
It is no secret that most government employees enjoy far more generous salaries and benefits than the public who pay for those benefits. It is important for the voters to know if their elected officials are properly representing them in these negotiations. The unions as private organizations are not required to conduct any of their meetings on these negotiations in public. The public entities (City Councils, etc.) almost always conduct their meetings in closed (private) sessions under the Brown Act. Elected officials are not allowed to reveal information presented to them in a closed session under the Brown Act.
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) starting at Government Code section 6250 provides: “In enacting this chapter, the Legislature, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy, finds and declares that access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state.” All public records are subject to disclosure when requested by a member of the public unless they fall into an “exempt” category such as documents containing attorney client communications or certain… Read More