If hospitals want to tax themselves, fine. But leave government out of it.
I thought it was quite magnanimous of the industry group that represents private hospitals to summarily announce that they are "willing" to endure a $1.7 billion tax on all private hospitals as part of a "health care solution" for California with the notion that a huge percentage of this tax will come right back to them in government support.
A few thoughts come to mind. The first is that if the private hospitals in this association want to contribute $1.7 billion to some sort of program to assist those without insurance, that’s their choice. But leave government out of it. They can simply assess their members and use this pot of money to subsidize providing services in their hospitals to those in need. Of course look for a lot of that $1.7 billion cost to be passed along to those very patients seeking services. Why? Well, private hospitals are businesses. They cannot operate in the red. They have investors and stockholders who expect a return on their funds. The reality of the… Read More