Posted by Congressman Doug LaMalfa at 12:00 am on Sep 09, 2007 Comments Off on Gettin’ Short
For all you Capitol watchers out there, soon there will be a lot
less to watch. Tomorrow could be our last full day
legislatin’ plus a half day Tuesday. That’s the best guess
floating around "the building." One bit had us coming back
for Friday, which is the drop-dead last day for the ’07 portion of
this2 year session, but I doubt it.
And then there is the possibility of the Guv calling for a
special session to tackle perhaps health care reform [or, a
majority couldjust cram an ultimate
reformbillthrough during the last 40 hours from now!]
or maybe a session tolook at a solution for water
storage/Delta problems.
But then the legislature can just show up for the special
session call, convene the applicable committee for a few minutes,
adjourn, see you in January…we’ll see.
Then in January, in addition to new bill intro’s, all the 2 year
bills will be back on the front burner, including stuff you thought
was dead, [bills are like Jason-Friday the 13th, they just keep
coming back, even after the end of a 2 year session, even when the
author is termed out, they rise up and haunt you… Read More