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Jon Fleischman

Governor, keep your pledge! Oppose the initiative to weaken term limits…

After reading an article this morning in the San Francisco Chronicle filled with quotes from Senate President Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez where they announce redistricting reform "dead" for the February ballot, I wanted to provide the Governor with this link.

Governor, please keep your promise — HERE.

Perata and Nunez are scoundrels – politicans who are set on one thing only, preserving their own power. They want to extend their time in office by blowing apart term limits, and they are walking away from their commitment for a fair redistricting process because this, too, would diminish the power of legislative bosses.

Here is the excerpt from the article:

"At this point, we are going to miss the February election," AssemblyRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: The Dirty Dozen

Borrowing the title from the 60’s movie classic to describe some bills fits the end of the ’07 legislative session. The movie depicted Lee Marvin leading a group of convicts to run a high risk mission in WW II Europe, played by Charlie Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jim Brown and others, bad guys doing a good thing. Sort of a reversal of likablepeople proposing bad things legislatively. Let’s talk about 12 of ’em or so in noparticular order.

SB 924-The Iraq war pullout advisory measure. A ploy that would be placed on the February ballot to have voters tell the President to quit "the occupation" of Iraq, seen as a way to drive up voter turnout for the Term Limit Extension measure.

Status: Thankfully ithas justfreshly been vetoed by the Guv.

The Crazy 8’s ACA 8-Eminent Domain. After the legislature has ignored true EmDo reform for 2Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Guv Vetoes Iraq War Ballot Measure

SB 924 was vetoed tonight by the Governor. Appropriately, in his veto message, he leaves it to the President and military experts to determine military deployment.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Major News: Waterston Out In Big Fresno County Supervisor Race

Incumbent Fresno County Supervisor Bob Waterston announced today that he is not seeking re-election to a third term today, in front of a stunned crowd at the annual "State of the County" breakfast this morning in Fresno. The embattled Waterston has been the subject of numerous unflattering news and opinion pieces in the Fresno Bee as of late, and had hired an attorney to investigate his own business dealings for potential conflicts of interest.

Waterston’s departure creates a two candidate race with local political heavyweights Nathan Magsig, former Mayor and current councilman in Clovis, CA, and Debbie Poochigian, wife of former State Assemblyman and Senator Chuck Poochigian. Poochgian, a veteran political operative and fundraiser, raised over $325,000 tonite at a fundraiser in downtown Fresno. It is conceivable that the race between Magsig and Poochgian will be the most expensive in Fresno County history, with projected expenditures of well over $1,000,000.

Well known Sacramento political consultant Johnson Clark is… Read More

Jill Buck

In Praise of the Governor

It is no small thing that the Governor vetoed the bill that would put the Iraq deployment on the California ballot, and he is to be praised for the courage and conviction it took to take this action.

No one can deny that Iran is the biggest threat in the region.Fromtheir illegal nuclear weapons ambitions, their funding of terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihadto their open calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States, their aims could not be clearer and they cannot be ignored. We currently hold positions on their western and eastern fronts, and can pull carrier battle groups in to deal with their southern front. None of the countries in the region want to see Iran fill the vacuum we would leave by pulling out of Iraq, but they are afraid of them. We will continue to build allies in the region through a show of strength and determination; therefore, we must not pull out now. Mistakes have been made in every war throughout history, but the fact that we’ve made some in this war is no reason to retreat.Despite those who wish to deny the truth, it is not hyperbole to realize thatthis war will determine the fate of… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Gaveled Down!

We are done until January 7, notwithstanding any special session action on water and health. The process of going though bills at the end wasvery fast and furious, not a great way to debate or contemplate bills. Workingtill 3:30 AM, whether trying to disc a straight line in a rice field, or do legislation, can get marginal results. … Read More

Shawn Steel

SF State College Reps Rip the Left

Among the most active of the College Republican chapters is the hard fighting San Francisco State College Republicans. Chairman Leigh Wolf is an innovator and leader which should give us hope that future generations are in good conservative hands.

Those College Reps are a serious thorn in the belly of the Leftist, Hate America crowd. Have a look at yesterday’s 9/11 commemoration video (below) on campus. And see which loonies show up…and yes you will always find a local tenured professor beating the drums for America’s enemies. Wolf wisely teamed up with the College Dems to have a non-political 9/11 Memorial. But the other side of the democrats turned out also. Watch it here:

Ryan Clumpner is the state chair for College Republicans from UC Davis. For any questions about College Reps email him… Read More

Mike Spence

Did Gov. Switch Parties?

Tonight Direct TV has a listingfor the Conversation with Carlos Watson Show. The guests include Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger D- California. Maybe they heard his speech Friday night at CRP?

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