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Jon Fleischman

Senator George Runner: Appealing to the independent voter has been a means of success for the CRP for years

What follows is an exclusive commentary penned for the FlashReport by Senator George Runner. Runner is Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus…

Appealing to the independent voter has been a means of success for the CRP for years I agree with the governor’s contention (delivered to Republican conventioneers on Friday) that the California Republican Party should embrace independent voters if we want to increase membership. But I don’t agree with his strategy. His recent actionsRead More

Jon Fleischman


Longtime GOP activist Linda Ackerman, wife of Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, has thrown her hat into the ring to be California’s next Republican National Committeewoman. This is outstanding news for Republican donors and activists around the state as Linda has a strong track record, going back decades, of working hard for conservative candidates and causes. The affairs of the Republican National Committee are governed by a small exclusive groups made up of three representatives from each of the 50 states as well as each of the U.S. territories — each being represented by its State Chairman, a Committeeman and a Committeewoman. Since 1996, these positions have been elected by the members of the California Republican Party State Central Committee. That year, Tim Morgan of Santa Cruz and Barbara Alby of Folsom ran for those posts, and have each been re-elected twice (terms are four years in duration). This coming February, when the State GOP meets in San Francisco, these positions will be up for election. ALBY’S DIFFICULT DECISION I’ve known… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Blais of Glory – Ackerman, Spitzer, Schroeder endorse in AD 71 GOP primary

Assembly District 71 straddles the Orange County/Riverside County lines. The incumbent, Todd Spitzer, is facing term limits and so there is a primary taking place in this, one of California’s most Republican legislative districts.

From the Riverside part of the district is Corona Councilman and Riverside County GOP Chaiirman Jeff Miller. On the Orange County side are Rancho Santa Margarita Councilman Neil Blais, Mission Viejo Councilman John Paul Ledesma and Irvine Councilman Steven Choi, the latter being the only moderate in the field.

With 60% or so of this district in Orange Cpunty, if one of those from “The OC” can emerge as a dominant candidate, they stand a great shot, though Miller is formidable in this race.

That said, Neil Blais has really been on the move, garnering much support and raising big bucks. To aid his effort, calling the efforts-to-date of Ledesma and Choi “invisible” would be an overstatement.

Today Neil shared with me that he has now been endorsed by three very big names… Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, Assemblyman Todd Spizer (remember, he is the current occupant of… Read More

Mike Spence

Not your Mom’s PTA. They Support Homosexual Rights Bill

As parents go back to school, they are usually asked to give a few bucks to their local Parent Teachers Association. What they don’t know is that most of the money they give doesn’t stay at the local school site, but is passed up to the state and federal levels for advocacy.

On example that may surprise parents is the California PTA is supporting SB 777 that would revise textbooks and class instruction to make sure homosexuality is condoned and blessed by the school.

Definitely not your Mom’s (Excuse me I meant Parent’s) PTA. See article here.Read More

Jon Fleischman


Longtime GOP activist Linda Ackerman, wife of Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, has thrown her hat into the ring to be California’s next Republican National Committeewoman. This is outstanding news for Republican donors and activists around the state as Linda has a strong track record, going back decades, of working hard for conservative candidates and causes. The affairs of the Republican National Committee are governed by a small exclusive groups made up of three representatives from each of the 50 states as well as each of the U.S. territories — each being represented by its State Chairman, a Committeeman and a Committeewoman. Since 1996, these positions have been elected by the members of the California Republican Party State Central Committee. That year, Tim Morgan of Santa Cruz and Barbara Alby of Folsom ran for those posts, and have each been re-elected twice (terms are four years in duration). This coming February, when the State GOP meets in San Francisco, these positions will be up for election. ALBY’S DIFFICULT DECISION I’ve known… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 71 – “Touche” – Duvall endorses Miller

In a parrying blow to the announcement (below) from the Neil Blais campaign, Assemblyman Mike Duvall has just endorsed Jeff Miller. THAT would be a major OC endorsement for the Riverside County-based Miller.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: The Dirty Dozen

Borrowing the title from the 60’s movie classic to describe some bills fits the end of the ’07 legislative session. The movie depicted Lee Marvin leading a group of convicts to run a high risk mission in WW II Europe, played by Charlie Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jim Brown and others, bad guys doing a good thing. Sort of a reversal of likablepeople proposing bad things legislatively. Let’s talk about 12 of ’em or so in noparticular order.

SB 924-The Iraq war pullout advisory measure. A ploy that would be placed on the February ballot to have voters tell the President to quit "the occupation" of Iraq, seen as a way to drive up voter turnout for the Term Limit Extension measure.

Status: Thankfully ithas justfreshly been vetoed by the Guv.

The Crazy 8’s ACA 8-Eminent Domain. After the legislature has ignored true EmDo reform for 2Read More

Mike Spence

Will Election Thief Become LA’s New Election Chief?

Longtime LA County Registrar Conny McCormack is retiring. Her chief deputy is poised to succeed her. Who is this person that will may soonbe in charge of the most populous county in California? It could be none other than Dean Logan. Dean Logan gained notoriety (Libs say experience) as the Kings County (Seattle) Election chief that kept finding new ways to count ballots until Democrat Christine Gregoire overcame the lead Republican Dino Rossi had in the 2004 Election for Washington State Governor. Ballots were found “late”, disqualified voters were “qualified” to ensure the Democratic victory in the closest statewide race in Washington State history. This doesn’t even count voting felons, illegals and other vote fraud. Now he could take over LA County just in time for the 2008 Elections. If it’s close in 2008 or 2010, where do you think the Dems will “find” moreRead More