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Jon Fleischman

The Return of the Bondinator – Arnold proposed NINE BILLION MORE in debt…

I guess it should come as no surprise that Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed a massive NINE BILLION DOLLAR borrowing scheme that includes billions for "above ground water storage" (I guess that polls better than calling them "dams"). The Governor LOVES to ask Californians to indebt themselves and future generations. It has become a hallmark of his administrations. Bonds, bonds bonds. I guess the Governor and his team have done some figuring. They know that Republicans legislators will not support higher taxes. And they know that Democrats will not support any cuts in their state-sponsored social engineering and wealth-redistribution programs. If you can’t get the politicians of today to raise taxes or cut spending on other programs, let’s once again whip out the California credit card. Just when you thought it was maxed out – think again. First and foremost let’s be clear — California has a water infrastructure problem. That is real, and it needs to be dealt… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mindy Fletcher: “Solutions Day” is coming to your neighborhood…

FR friend Mindy Fletcher has spent a couple of months now working hard on an important program — one in which we hope that many FR readers will participate. Here is a note from Mindy…

Do an informal survey of your Republican friends as to which Republican leader has the brightest and most innovative ideas and one name always tops the list—Newt Gingrich. I had the privilege of being on Capitol Hill in 1994 when Newt Gingrich through the power of ideas, helped Republicans win control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. As a young Press Secretary on the Hill, I watched as this history professor transformed government and brought about real change to issues such as welfare reform, a balanced budget, and the list goes on and on. Newt convinced voters to put their trust in a reform-minded group of elected officials who managed to make great strides inRead More

Mike Spence

There Ought Not To Be a Law!

Today’s Capitol Morning Report outlines the announcement of GOP Assemblyman Benoit’s"There Ought To Be A Law" Contest for high school students. I know the object is to get kids involved in the political process and that is good.

And I don’t mean to pick on John. He is a good man, but the problem is that this contest presumes there should be more laws and more controls by a bigger government. Sen. Tom Harman did such a contest and then took the idea from one kid to force other kids to "volunteer" before they could graduate. Sen. Harman and this kid didn’t see that forcing someone to "volunteer" means you are no longer "volunteering".

Republican lawmakers should show leadership and help kids learn. They should sponsor "There Ought NOT To BeA Law" contests among high schoolstudents.Turn these kids loose on the thousands of pages of Education Code and have them come up with something that needs tobe repealed.

Shouldn’t we sendRead More

James V. Lacy

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback to speak at WCPAC

Presidential candidate U.S. Senator Sam Brownback has confirmed he will be a speaker at the upcoming Western Conservative Political Action Conference in Newport Beach on October 12-13.

A copy of the current conference agenda is attached. Other confirmed speakers include Mike Reagan, who is the General Chairman of the Conference and will be leading a panel on the Conference’s theme, "Preserving the Reagan Legacy." Other top speakers who are confirmed include State Senator Tom McClintock, Dave Keene (Chairman of the American Conservative Union);Joel Fox, President of the Small Business Action Committee; Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn.; Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee; San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus; radio-talk show hosts Melanie Morgan (KSFO San Francisco), Gregg Jackson (WRKO Boston), and Mark Larson (1700 AM, San Diego); and Hoover Institute Fellow and author Dinesh D’Souza. A host of other conservative elected officials will be on hand, including a number of other presidential candidates to be confirmed, and the agenda is being updated daily as new… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s “No New Taxes” Rhetoric Was Just That – All Talk

"Everything is on the table," said Governor Schwarzenegger yesterday, when asked whether he would support a statewide sales tax, in this case, as part of a massive government intervention into health care in California. The Governor said that he could support placing a tax hike on the ballot on which Californians can vote. Presumably the Republican Governor, after negotiating such a "deal" for California taxpayers, would then advocate its passage as well. Shame on Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don’t know how to sugar coat this, so I will just say it like it is — he lied. He lied to me, he lied to his supporters and he lied to all Californians. When he campaigned for re-election last year, he said he was "moderate on social issues, progressive on environmental issues, and conservative on fiscal issues." I cannot remember a stump speech that the Governor delivered to Republican activists, and I heard quite a few as a grassroots supporter of his campaign, wherehe did not flat out state his opposition to raising taxes, period. There was no audible "asterisk" qualifying his opposition… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s “No New Taxes” Rhetoric Was Just That – All Talk

"Everything is on the table," said Governor Schwarzenegger yesterday, when asked whether he would support a statewide sales tax, in this case, as part of a massive government intervention into health care in California. The Governor said that he could support placing a tax hike on the ballot on which Californians can vote. Presumably the Republican Governor, after negotiating such a "deal" for California taxpayers, would then advocate its passage as well. Shame on Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don’t know how to sugar coat this, so I will just say it like it is — he lied. He lied to me, he lied to his supporters and he lied to all Californians. When he campaigned for re-election last year, he said he was "moderate on social issues, progressive on environmental issues, and conservative on fiscal issues." I cannot remember a stump speech that the Governor delivered to Republican activists, and I heard quite a few as a grassroots supporter of his campaign, wherehe did not flat out state his opposition to raising taxes, period. There was no audible "asterisk" qualifying his opposition… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Don’t Like HillaryCare or ArnoldCare? Blame the GOP.

The media, public and politicians have all lost their minds on the "health care" issue. The media doesn’t understand it, the public is being goaded into socialism and the same politicians that haven’t fixed anything in years think they have answers. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Stupidity reigns in the debate.

I blame the GOP. We had six promising years in charge of the entire federal government and didn’t reform a damn thing, in fact, we actually created the largest new entitlement program in 50 years, Medicare Part D, and then underestimated its cost by half. In doing so we abandoned the argument that government and health care are a terrible mixture, and so now we can’t even oppose HillaryCare on the grounds of limited government.

In Sacramento, the Governor’s "idea" is a new tax on providers. Can we channel his mentor, the late Milton Friedman, into the discussion? This is about as anti-free market and anti-capitalist as it gets. Worse, the California Restaurant Association and Hospital Association actually voted to support the tax. I can hear it now: "its the best we… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Media Trys Hard To Not Understand the Governor – GOP Conflict

Kevin Yamamura and all the other Sacramento based journalists have no understanding of the lack of relationship between the Governor and State GOP. We aren’t talking about Republicans being more moderate. Arnold Schwarzenegger is not governing from the center, and thus is nothing close to a "moderate". Profligate spending (worse than Davis), massive borrowing (into an uncertain economy), health care taxes (what a novel idea!), ridiculous "greenhouse gas" legislation (let’s run MORE business out of California), scores of judges appointed that don’t support the death penalty, and the like, are all leftist policies. It isn’t that the GOP isn’t moderate, we refuse to be dragged left of center.

Throw in a pinch of ignoring Bruce McPherson and Tom McClintock in the last election, "dissing" GOP legislators altogether in 2006, and leaving the State GOP in debt, and it is no surprise that the GOP and Governor are not on the same playing field.

The Governor gets high marks for Workers’ Comp reform, easily his most significant public policy… Read More