The Return of the Bondinator – Arnold proposed NINE BILLION MORE in debt…
I guess it should come as no surprise that Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed a massive NINE BILLION DOLLAR borrowing scheme that includes billions for "above ground water storage" (I guess that polls better than calling them "dams"). The Governor LOVES to ask Californians to indebt themselves and future generations. It has become a hallmark of his administrations. Bonds, bonds bonds. I guess the Governor and his team have done some figuring. They know that Republicans legislators will not support higher taxes. And they know that Democrats will not support any cuts in their state-sponsored social engineering and wealth-redistribution programs. If you can’t get the politicians of today to raise taxes or cut spending on other programs, let’s once again whip out the California credit card. Just when you thought it was maxed out – think again. First and foremost let’s be clear — California has a water infrastructure problem. That is real, and it needs to be dealt… Read More