Today’s Commentary: Sunday California…Same-Sex Marriage Fallout In San Diego
Until the initial vote several days ago, it was relatively unknown that the San Diego City Council would even be discussing the filing of an amicus brief in support of same-sex marriage. Perhaps that was because Councilmember Toni Atkins brought the issue to the council with little lead time, as some have claimed. Perhaps, as well, the matter was quiet because to the media it was just another pending side decision in an ongoing sea of fiscal and pension woes. The side issue has officially transitioned from side show to center ring. The 4-4 council vote on September 4 changed things, not solely because it put the matter in the limelight, but also because of the makeup of the two sides. Donna Frye joined the opposition, while Republican Jim Madaffer voted with three Democrats in supporting homosexual marriage. After first blush, the Frye vote made perfect sense, because it’s classic Donna.… Read More