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Mike Spence

Which lawmakers are “really” pro-family?

Capitol Resource Family Impact (CRFI) released theirscorecard for the state legislature. They measured only social and family issues. Who got a perfect score? See it here. There were more Senators than Assembly members with perfect scores.… Read More

Mike Spence

Does CRA support Arnold’s Health Care Plan?

The email I got today was simple. "CRA Press Release" It pointed out that CRA was supporting the Governor’s health plan.

I was a little surprised considering CRA has always been against more government control of health care and doesn’t think taxes should be raised to cover illegal aliens in the plan.

Here is the rest of the story.

The California Republican Assembly doesn’t support the plan, but the press release was from the California Retailer’s Association. Think about it. Your next 80-ounce soft drink purchase subsidizes the effort to create more government subsidies for health care.

No word on when the California Reading Association, California Restaurant Association, California Rehabilitation Association, California Redwood Association, California Rental Association or the California Redevelopment Association will send their releases out.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Jantz Appointed To Taxpayer Board

Hey they forgot blogger for Flashreport and Red County…

La Mesa resident Barry Jantz, CEO of the Grossmont Healthcare District, has been appointed to the San Diego County Taxpayers Association board. Jantz, who joined the district in 2004, served as a member of the La Mesa City Council for four terms from 1990 to 2006. He was chief of staff to former Assemblyman Jay La Suer and was a public affairs consultant. He previously worked for 18 years in the facilities development department for Kaiser Permanente.

Congratulations, Barry…… Read More

Matt Rexroad

SD 23 – The Dem Primary

Senate District 23 is held by Senator Sheila Kuehl (pictured left). She is currently prevented from seeking re-election due to term limits.

The district is coastal stretching from Oxnard in Ventura County to Malibu and then down to UCLA. Half the population is in Los Angeles but also includes the entire cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Malibu, and West Hollywood. (See a map here.)

Governor Schwarzenegger won the seat in the 2003 recall but only tied Angelides last November. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner came within three points of Bustamante in 2006 and is the only Republican to come close in the last decade. The Republican on the ballot here is less than a speed bump for the winner of the Democratic primary.

This is not a district that is going to be electing someone like… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Today’s Commentary: SD 23 – The Dem Primary

Senate District 23 is held by Senator Sheila Kuehl (pictured left). She is currently prevented from seeking re-election due to term limits.

The district is coastal stretching from Oxnard in Ventura County to Malibu and then down to UCLA. Half the population is in Los Angeles but also includes the entire cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Malibu, and West Hollywood. (See a map here.)

Governor Schwarzenegger won the seat in the 2003 recall but only tied Angelides last November. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner came within three points of Bustamante in 2006 and is the only Republican to come close in the last decade. The Republican on the ballot here is less than a speed bump for the winner of the Democratic primary.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ArnoldCare: “We’re with the gov’t and we’re here to help!”

Today my Republican Governor introduced a vast health care proposal that, if enacted, raises taxes, moves us away from individual responsibility for our health care in favor of making health care coverage a government (taxpayer) responsibility, and moves the consumer even further away from their appropriate role in a market-driven healthcare system.

There are a lot of great ideas, based on sound Republican principles, contained in both the State Senate and Assembly GOP proposals. The Governor’s proposal is a recipe for disaster – and would clearly make things worse.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who is your bodyguard, Mr, Speaker? And who pays for him?

By now, just about everyone who is anyone in California politics, or who reports on the goings-on in California politics, has viewed the video clip of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez running away from an ABC News camera and reporter rather than answer questions about lavish campaign expenditures on a lifestyle that Nunez calls "middle class" but is clearly much more… (Nearly 4,000 had watched this particular YouTube clip).

The question we all would like answered is that posed by the ABC News reporter towards the end of the video — about Nunez’ bodyguard. Who is he? And perhaps more importantly, who pays for him? Is he a CHP plain clothes officer? A staffer for the Assembly? Or perhaps a hired mercenary on campaign payroll? Or perhaps he is an employee of one of the special interests that Nunez is gauging to pay for his term-limits end-run ball… Read More

Resource Center or Criminal Hang-out

The Orange City Council tonight will hear a report from their city attorney on "…continued viability of the Resource Center and secondary impacts of day laborer solicitation."

Several city council members have expressed concern in recent months that the "Resource Center" was nothing more than a haven for illegal aliens seeking work. Work being a noble cause, being here illegally being, well illegal.

Reports of a nearby gas station owner saying day laborers urinate on the side of his building, gambling (sounds like fun) and pitching coins which block sidewalks, customers avoiding businesses where laborers congregate and potential employers (we’ll call them John’s) causing traffic hazards as they slow and solicit for "workers" are all reasons for the review.Read More