Bad News – Governor has now signed SEVEN of the worst bills on his desk… Read on…
As of this morning, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has acted on eight of our top twenty bills that he should veto. As FR readers know, State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and yours truly combed through the many hundreds of bills that the liberal Democrat-controlled legislature passed and put on the Govornor’s desk. All twenty of these bills are really bad news, and the signing of any one of them represents very bad news for the liberty and freedom of Californians. So, the fact that the Governor has signed seven of the "Terrible Twenty" is horrendous. Republican donors and activists around the state worked hard to re-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger so that these kinds of bills, which you would expect to be passed by Don Perata, Fabian Nunez, and their ilk, would get a big VETO. Well, we’ll be doing a more comprehensive look at the Governor’s performance on the twenty worst bills after he has finished with them all. That said, we are urging — no — PLEADING with Governor Schwarzenegger to VETO the… Read More