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Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Idle CHP Vans Cost Taxpayers Big Bucks

While taxpayers continue to worry about soaring gas prices, home ownership, and rising food and tax costs, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) has prematurely paid taxpayer dollars for vans that are sitting idle because there is no clear plan to equip them for their intended purposes. Consequently, CHP has wasted an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars that could have been spent on improving roads, providing water storage, or actually fighting crime. According to the (Sacramento Bee, September 21, 2007), “’The California Highway Patrol wasted almost $1 million in taxpayer money by buying 51 vehicles that went mostly unused for more than two years,’ State Auditor Elaine Howle said in an audit released Thursday.” “Howle’s review found that 46 of the 51 vans, most of them intended for the CHP’s truck inspection operation, sat almost entirely idle, parked on CHP property in an outdoor location….As of April, those vans had been driven only 401 miles – an average of nine miles per van….”Read More

James V. Lacy

Giuliani leading in California and New Jersey, Romney tanking

While our publisher would otherwise point out I am indeed on his FEC reports, the info I am sharing in this post is my own research and view, not Rudy Giuliani’s campaign’s.

OC Blog posted the results of a SurveyUSA poll taken October 12 – 14 showing Rudy Giuliani now has the momentum in California among Republican voters, with a substantial lead of 39%, compared to 18% for Thompson, 14% for Romney, and 13% for McCain. Giuliani’s lead over his closest competitor widened in California from 2 points to 21 points in the 30 days between September and October. Giuliani was shown to have a lead in all categories of Republican voters in California, consistent with a Fabrizio, McLaughlin national poll I reported on here three months ago.

Giuliani’s lead is consistent and is evident in other large states that will send large delegations to the Republican National Convention, and recent polls. In New Jersey, a Quinnipiac University poll taken October 9 – 11 shows Giuliani with 48%, McCain and Thompson tied at 12%, and Romney way back at 7%.

An important consideration for many… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A call to action for all FR readers…

As you know if you are a regular ready, we seldom make financial appeals… Well, in case you have been wondering when we would make one — that would be… Now… Our own Mike Spence needs your help. November 6, 2007 West Covina Unified School District will elect their board. Many of you know Mike as President of the California Republican Assembly and a correspondent for FR . He is more than that. At the the State level he serves on the CRP Executive Committee and chairs the CRP Initiatives Committee. He previously has been on the CRP Board of Directors and chaired the State GOP Education Committee When we needed Mike to stand up for principle he was always there. Now, Mike needs our help. He has filed for re-election to the West Covina School Board. When the Governor had Teacher Tenure and Budget Reform on the ballot in 2005, very few… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A call to action for all FR readers…

As you know if you are a regular ready, we seldom make financial appeals… Well, in case you have been wondering when we would make one — that would be… Now…

Our own Mike Spence needs your help. November 6, 2007 West Covina Unified School District will elect their board. Many of you know Mike as President of the California Republican Assembly and a correspondent for FR . He is more than that. At the the State level he serves on the CRP Executive Committee and chairs the CRP Initiatives Committee. He previously has been on the CRP Board of Directors and chaired the State GOP Education Committee When we needed Mike to stand up for principle he was always there. Now, Mike needs our help. He has filed for re-election to the West Covina School Board. When the Governor had Teacher Tenure and Budget Reform on the ballot in 2005, very few education leaders supported him. Mike Spence not… Read More

Shawn Steel

College Reps Confront the Left and Terrorism Next Week

The Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week begins on Monday Oct 22. For the first time in memory conservatives will take the initiative on at least 8 campuses to challenge Leftist Anti American orthodoxy. The issue is the world wide growth of savage terrorists who use Islam as a justification for mass murder.

The center of the anti American pro terrorist elements are in the university.

College Republicans willchallenge the comfortable tenured professors and their diminish student supplicants withsurprising activity.

Coordinated by David Horowitz, Young Americans Foundation and the College Republicans the following campuses are holding panels, films, conferences, debates and rallies to raise awareness of the severity of international Jihadism.

The speakers include : radio stars, Brian Sussman [San F] Mark Larson [San Diego], Dennis Prager. Nonie Darwish (pictured above to the left) author of Now They Call MeRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fresno Unified School Board: Stand Up To The FTA

The beleaguered Fresno Unified School District finally has a Board and Executive Leadership team that "gets it": you can’t serve the interests of schoolchildren without being financially stable. In my op-ed piece today in the Fresno Bee, I exhort the Board to stand tall against the Fresno Teachers Association – and not because I am opposed to teacher, but because it is actually in the interest of the teachers to lose this fight over a contract.

As you might expect, instead of placing a high value on the District’s financial status, the FTA is playing the negotiations right out of the NEA playbook – acting ugly in the process.

The FUSD Board needs to hang tough in this fight.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Republicans to pick up 3 seats in the Assembly

There seems to be a new trend in California. Republicans running for the State Assembly ….as Democrats.

The first one does not really surprise me much. San Mateo County Supervisor Jerry Hill was a registered Republican for several decades. When he was elected to the non-partisan San Mateo City Council in 1991 he was a registered Republican.

Hill is now running for AD 19.

He was a Republican because years ago he wanted to support former Congressman Pete McCloskey in his run for President. I can buy that. I know some big name Republicans that actually voted for Gray Davis in the 1998 Democrat open primary thinking that he was the only one that the people of California would never actually elect as Governor.

If you read his policy positions it seems pretty clear that he would be far more comfortable in the political party with Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, and gang.

The next two are a little different.

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Duane Dichiara

Bishop RIP

Joey Bishop (1918-2007), last remaining member of the ‘Rat Pack’ passed away last night.


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