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Jill Buck

Veterans Unite Behind McCain!

I was on a call this morning with Veterans across the country and Senator McCain, or “The Cap’n”, as I like to think of him. He gave us an update, took questions, cracked jokes, and inspired each of us to charge the hill for him! He’s a dynamo, and smart as a whip on absolutely every subject…no “talking points” required. He stands alone in the field of candidates as the only one ready to hit the ground running on Day 1 of being Commander in Chief.

We can’t afford to elect a candidate who needs on-the-job training for being the leader of the free world. The dangers of our day should inspire every Republican voter to enthusiastically get out to the primary, and vote for the only man who is unparalleled in his preparations to lead this nation through troubled waters.

We can’t afford to elect a man who cannot beat Hillary… One who has dropped out of a race with her before… One who will leave the “family values” position completely in her hands… One who doesn’t have the work ethic to rival hers… One who flip flops on issues critical to the conservative base… One who takes positions on the sanctity of… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The gov & conservatives

Here’s a funny one from an editorial in yesterday’s North County Times (admittedly taken a bit out of context):

"…the governor broke some new ground, and turned his back on conservatives…"

As FR readers know, the governor’s had his back turned on conservatives for quite some time…Read More

Carl Fogliani

McNerney Numbers Posted

Jerry McNerney raised $234K in the third quarter and reported $757K cash on hand.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

The Dirty Dozen: The Update

Monday, October 15

Well, I figured I would update my own post on the Dirty Dozen bills posted last month that the Governor had in front of him andsee how we came out with the veto pen. There was certainly plenty more bills I could’ve listed to write about, say 144bad bills [The Gross Gross?] but that would’ve beena bit much. TheScorecard: SB 924-Iraq war-Vetoedearlier.

SB 8-Enviromental Justice for flood water-Vetoed

AB 8-Health Care tax on employers-Vetoed

AB 1471-ID numbers on bullets-Signed &*&*#^%*#^!!Dumb, won’t solve crime.

AB 821 Lead Bullet hunting ban [where condors mightflyover]-Signed-aw heck, who needs proof, ban it anyway.

AB 43-Same sex marriage-Vetoed. Marriage will be between one man and one woman for at least one more year in California!

SB 777-Equality In TextbookRead More

Ray Haynes

Revenge of the Nerds

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Governor cares little about his relationship with Republicans, and the groups that count on Republicans to protect them from an intrusive government. Whether it is the business community, taxpayers, gunowners, or families, every recent Republican governor has at least understood that only way that Republicans could prevail is by keeping these groups somewhat happy. Even Pete Wilson, whose pro-choice position caused some consternation in conservative circles, took on education, tax, gun, and family battles so that those of us who were conservatives could honestly look at our constituents and say that they could support Wilson, and have a governor to be proud of. Schwarzenegger has abandoned that position.

He wasn’t always like that. When I met Schwarzenegger at the Mission Inn in Riverside in 2003 during the recall, he look at me and told me that conservatives would be proud of him as Governor. He would sign no new gun laws, he would never raise taxes, and though he could affect abortion as a Governor, he would appoint judges that would be strict constructionists. So much for campaign promises.

So, why is… Read More

Ray Haynes

Today’s Commentary: Revenge of the Nerds

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Governor cares little about his relationship with Republicans, and the groups that count on Republicans to protect them from an intrusive government. Whether it is the business community, taxpayers, gunowners, or families, every recent Republican governor has at least understood that only way that Republicans could prevail is by keeping these groups somewhat happy. Even Pete Wilson, whose pro-choice position caused some consternation in conservative circles, took on education, tax, gun, and family battles so that those of us who were conservatives could honestly look at our constituents and say that they could support Wilson, and have a governor to be proud of. Schwarzenegger has abandoned that position.

He wasn’t always like that. When I met Schwarzenegger at the Mission Inn in Riverside in 2003 during the recall, he look at me and told me that conservatives would be proud of him as Governor. He would sign no new gun laws, he would never raise taxes, and though he could affect abortion as a Governor, he would appoint judges that would be strict constructionists. So much for campaign promises.

So, why is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to Democrat Legislators — Hold onto your 50k…

Dear Democrat Legislators (well, actually just to those of you who prudently have not yet written a big fat check to Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez for his ill-fated Term-Limits weakening initiative): You have to give Fabian Nunez the "chutzpah" award for having the gall to push all of you guys around, trying to get you each to pony up $50,000 to help support his brazen effort to remain Speaker through 2012. Now I know that many of you are facing term-limits, and would like to see Proposition 93 pass — but it just isn’t going to happen. Speaker Nunez knew all along that it would be a challenge to pass the measure. That said, even with the treacherous and misleading Title and Summary written up by your fellow Democrat, Attorney General Jerry Brown, that misleads readers into thinking this measure imposed stricter term-limits, when it actually would result in you and your colleagues spending more time in office — a survey released today by the… Read More

Mike Spence

Upscale Real Estate Guide to Underperforming Schools

Do you live in a nice Republican area of Orange County, maybe Placer County or some place close to Fabian Nunez’s$1 million dollar house in Sacramento? Then the Upscale Real Estate Guide to Underperforming Schools is for you! The guide lists schools inareas with a High Median Home Price where over 50% of thestudents failed to meet the state standard in English or Math. The guide is part of new book written by my friends at the Pacific Research Institute. Lance Izumi, Vicki Murray and Rachel Chaney. Not As Good As You Think: Why the Middle Class Needs School Choice explains exactly what the title says it does, but the guide will give a quick reference.Read More