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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Duane Dichiara

A Quiet Downtown Monday

As I sit in my San Diego office this morning I look out over the normally busy intersection of Broadway and 5th. Today I see two people. The cars are usually jammed the length of Broadway. Today you could walk across the street without getting one horn jammed at you.With the suburbs on fire, and the many of the roads and freeways shut down, downtown is almost a ghost town…hazy and quiet.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Reporting In From San Diego

Large segments of Poway, Rancho Bernardo, Escondido, San Marcos, Rancho Santa Fe, and Solano Beach have been evacuated. Maybe more. Some 250,000 (you read that right) people are on the move.My prediction is this number is going to grow. Power outages sound like they are picking up in the northern and eastern suburbs.

Maybe Barry knows more, he is much closer than I am.

I’ve been impressed with the evacuation. I’m talking about the kind of evacuation call you get at 4am in the morning from a reverse 911. The whole thing appears pretty ordered.No chaos that I can tell.

I just got a call that said that east Chula Vista is now being evacuated.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Picture of the Week

It’s our own Tab Berg and Steve Maviglio, Deputy Chief of Staff to Fabian Nunez. Perhaps Tab will let us know how this photo came to be! … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Keep firefighters in your thoughts and prayers…

Instead of a traditional commentary this morning, we want to use this space to ask FR readers to keep firefighters and other first-responders in their prayers as they are battling the staggering amount of wildfires throughout Southern California. As many readers know, my family lives in Irvine, California. Well, we are so close to one of the fires that ashes are all around the neighborhood, and the smell of smoke permeates everywhere, indoors and out. From where we are, the fire is just a couple of miles away, burning through the dense foliage on the north side of our town. Our friends, Dick and Linda Ackerman (yeah, the Senate Republican Leader) actually live about a mile closer to the fire than we do. I spoke with Dick and Linda several times last night, and with Dick this morning. They are safe, but of course we all get concerned when this kind of incident comes this close to our daily lives. This morning it was announced by authorities here in Orange County that the source of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Keep firefighters in your thoughts and prayers…

Instead of a traditional commentary this morning, we want to use this space to ask FR readers to keep firefighters and other first-responders in their prayers as they are battling the staggering amount of wildfires throughout Southern California. As many readers know, my family lives in Irvine, California. Well, we are so close to one of the fires that ashes are all around the neighborhood, and the smell of smoke permeates everywhere, indoors and out. From where we are, the fire is just a couple of miles away, burning through the dense foliage on the north side of our town. Our friends, Dick and Linda Ackerman (yeah, the Senate Republican Leader) actually live about a mile closer to the fire than we do. I spoke with Dick and Linda several times last night, and with Dick this morning. They are safe, but of course we all get concerned when this kind of incident comes this close to our daily lives. This morning it was announced by authorities here in Orange County that the source of… Read More

Barry Jantz

Get a Clue

To the San Diego-based Republican organization that sent out its electronic newsletter this morning…get a clue. As much as some folks would like to think that the world revolves around politics 100% of the time, there are more than a few people in San Diego County today that would say differently.

There are reports that 250,000 county residents are currently evacuated due to the fires. This may turn into the worst such disaster in State history, even more devastating than the Cedar Fire of four years ago. I haven’t talked to anyone this morning that hasn’t been impacted in some way, via family, friends or directly.

But, in politics the show must go on, apparently, so instead of thinking about the ramifications of sending out an electronic communications on a day when most have other things on their minds — which could be viewed as petty, or even oblivious to the firestorm going on around — let’s just do it anyway.

Perhaps next time, take a breath and hold off for a few days. Or, since you are a political organization and people are anticipating political information, maybe find a way to include a message of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

She’s for Rudy, He’s for Mitt

My friend Justin Sayfie runs the Sayfie Review Website on Florida Politics, over in the Sunshine State. (Our sites may look similar as we use the same development firm out of Orlando). Justin also has recently launched Sayfie News, a website focusing on national politics. Anyways, he took the time to interview U.S. Representative Connie Mack (R-Fl) about his recent endorsement of Mitt Romney for President. You can see that interview below if you would like. What is the nexus to California politics? Well, Connie Mack is engaged to marry California’s own Mary Bono, who represents Riverside County in the U.S. House. The fun "kicker" here is that Bono has endorsed Giuliani. I guess this vastly increases the likelyhood that someone will have access to the best parties at next year’s GOP National Convention! … Read More

Jill Buck

Great Job, Congressman Hunter!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you affected by the horrific fires today. I can’t turn the news off. Each time they mention another area ablaze, I can think of several of you that I know personally who live in those neighbors, and I’m really worried about you. Please take care, and check in when you can.

I saw Congressman Duncan Hunter on CNN today, announcing that he was able to get National Guard C-130’s dispatched to the state before the official State-to-White House request had even been processed. Now that’s what I call an advocate…way to go, Sir! (Of course, CNN praised him thoroughly…then swished him off the screen without ever mentioning that he is a Republican AND a Presidential candidate.) That’s alright, Congressman Hunter, you did a great job today, and I’m sure those air tankers are going to make a big difference; we’re proud of you!

Stay safe everyone. Many blessings.… Read More