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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Vuitton-Gate is now Charity-Gate as Nunez’ lifestyle becomes a bigger burden for California Democrats

It would seem that the more that a microscope is applied to the dealings of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, the more it shows a pattern — that absolute power does corrupt absolutely. One can probably figure that at some point Nunez was, well, like the rest of us. You know, work hard and don’t take anything for granted? But at some point, or maybe slowly over time, the big gavel of being the Assembly Speaker has gone to the man’s head.

CHARITY-GATE Just after weeks of articles and investigative reports into the lavish and expensive expenditures from Nunez’ campaign coffers that appear to be supporting a lifestyle otherwise unattainable for a public servant, now the Los Angeles Times has revealed a startling and disturbing pattern… Read More

Jim Battin

I Got A Perfect 100%!! Thanks Cal-Tax!

First off – a big Thank You to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. Yesterday I posted about my real concerns in receiving a grade of "B" from their legislative report card and I included a letter I had sent Jon Coupal. (you can read it a few posts below this one – just scroll down)

They responded immediately and are going to put an asterisk by my grade on their website and provide a more detailed explanation as to how excused absences can effect a legislator’s grade (in my case adversely – but I actually think it improved a couple of Democrats’ scores). They are also going to explain this in their upcomingnewsletter.

Today, Cal-Tax – another fine organization committed to protecting the taxpayer – gave me a perfect 100% on their legislative vote record.

I don’t normally use this space to crow about rankings I receive from interest groups, but as much as I was concerned yesterday about HJTA’s low ranking of me – because they counted votes I missed due to illness and recovering from surgery… Read More

Matt Rexroad

AD 13 -Tom Ammiano

A couple legislative races in California appear to be over before the filing deadline. On the other side of the aisle they have a couple races that fall into this category.

One of them is San Francisco County Supervisor Tom Ammiano. At the last reporting period he had $151,067 in the bank and most every major endorsement in the city he could want.

He is the only candidate to file a statement of intent to tun for the seat. The people in San Francisco tell me that some groups would like to find someone to run against him but they realize that it is a losing cause in the end.

This guy is the classic urban liberal that is active in every major issue in his city. With the voting history of this part of the state he is actually a good it for the district. Senator Migden and Assemblyman Leno don’t seem to agree on much lately — except that Ammiano should be in the Assembly.

You may not know him now but you will when he… Read More

Shawn Steel

Speaker Makes Best Argument Against Prop 93

Steve Maviglio, spokeshole for CA Assembly Speaker Fabian “Louis Vuitton” Nunez, must be auditioning for a new job. He knows his boss’ career is dying with Prop 93’s February defeat, which is why he unleashed this attack on the California Nurses Association for contributing to my wife’s campaign. Once again, Democrats attack hardworking, middle-class Californians and demonstrate how out-of-touch they are with their own union constituency. (You can read Jon’s excellent commentary this morning for the complete rundown on Nunez’s problems.)

Nunez is targeting the California Nurses Association because they had the audacity to question the Speaker’s rich and famous lifestyle paid for with their campaign contributions. Last month, the LA Times (hardly a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy), uncovered that Nunez was scamming campaign contributions from union members to pay for his… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles County GOP Endorsements

Los Angeles County has elections for school boards, city councils and water districts coming up on Tuesday, November 6. These are really important elections, especially mine. LA County has made some endorsements, including me. See the complete list here.Read More

Brandon Powers

Schwarzenegger Makes The List

The London Telegraph has been running an interesting rundown over the last several days of the Top-100 most influential liberals and conservativesin America.

There was theusual rundown of names on our side of the ideological divide, even if some popped up in surprising spots:

Former Reagan Scribe Peggy Noonan – #83 Frequent Golden Pen Recipient Thomas Sowell – #64 Justice Antonin Scalia – #62 Writer PJ O’Rourke – #60 National Review Founder William F. Buckley – #49 Former Bush Brain Karl Rove – #42 Fox News Leader Roger Ailes – #23 President Bush – #21 (How relevant is the President when he can’t crack the top 20) Chief Justice John Roberts – #8 Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh – #5 Web News King (Sorry Jon) – Matt Drudge – #3 Former New York Mayor Rudy G (He’s a Conservative?) – #1

I list all of these out for a reason… stick with me.

On the Lefty side, the list starts with a who’s who in Clinton-land of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Our Inaugural Podcast – An Interview With Fred Thompson

Welcome to the first-ever FlashReport Podcast — a one-on-one interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson!

Our plan was to kick-off our new podscasting feature after the first of the year with a new weekly podcast, where we would bring you interviews with many of the opinion leaders here in California that impact the politics and policy for the Golden State — and we still plan on doing that.

But when I had an opportunity to chat over the phone with GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, I asked if we could go ahead and record the call to put up on the site, I quickly called my developers and said, "I know this is short notice, but can we scramble to get our first podcast up tomorrow??"

Fortunately they were able to pull it off, and below you can access my first interview — with Senator Thompson.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Our Inaugural Podcast – An Interview With Fred Thompson

Welcome to the first-ever FlashReport Podcast — a one-on-one interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson!

Our plan was to kick-off our new podscasting feature after the first of the year with a new weekly podcast, where we would bring you interviews with many of the opinion leaders here in California that impact the politics and policy for the Golden State — and we still plan on doing that.

But when I had an opportunity to chat over the phone with GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, I asked if we could go ahead and record the call to put up on the site, I quickly called my developers and said, "I know this is short notice, but can we scramble to get our first podcast up tomorrow??"

Fortunately they were able to pull it off, and below you can access my first interview — with Senator Thompson.… Read More