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Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today

On this quiet Sunday in early November, it’s a pretty quiet day for political news. Actually, reading some of the details about the massive car smash up in the central valley last night is very somber and sobering — it puts the world in a little bit of context. What news there is for this day is over on our main page. Otherwise check back tomorrow for fresh, new commentary on this page.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: No Commentary Today

On this quiet Sunday in early November, it’s a pretty quiet day for political news. Actually, reading some of the details about the massive car smash up in the central valley last night is very somber and sobering — it puts the world in a little bit of context. What news there is for this day is over on our main page. Otherwise check back tomorrow for fresh, new commentary on this page.

**There is more – click the link**

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Matt Rexroad


I just watched Fred Thompson on Meet the Press. He did not do particularly well in the interview. Most of his answers did not give any clear indication that he had a complete grasp of the policy issues that are facing this country.

The one issue he did an excellent job discussing was the use of torture by the United States government. Many people seem to be very concerned about the use of torture. In fact, the issue seems to be tying some Presidential candidates in knots.

Torture should be illegal. However, the definition for torture is important and there has to be an exemption for extreme circumstances.

If your definition of torture is any discomfort caused to the detainee you are wrong. My definition is anything that would cause permanent harm to the detainee.

WaterboardingRead More

Matt Rexroad

November 4, 2008

One year from tonight we will have elected a new President of the United States, attempted to regain control of Congress, tried to pick up a few seats in the Legislature, and made decisions on several important local offices.

Are we ready? Will we be ready?

If you are not implementing a plan to get to the place you need to be a year from now, you are not ready.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: In wake of sacrifice, local Marine stands for the truth

After 52 Americans were taken captive in 1979, nearly anyone who publicly expressed an opinion supported immediately severing diplomatic ties with Iran. Among other actions, this would have meant kicking all Iranian diplomats out of the country, including those who worked at the Iranian Embassy in Washington, D.C. President Carter did not take this action for five whole months. Why the delay? Carter knew something that all the talking heads – conservative or liberal – did not. He knew that the government had the Iranian Embassy bugged and it was a vital source of intelligence. As much criticism that can be placed at Carter’s feet for poor presidential decisions, that incident may not be one of them. The point is that everything is not always as black and white as itRead More

Jon Fleischman

Riverside GOP Liberty Dinner A Huge Success

The biggest smile in the room tonight at the Riverside County GOP’s Annual Liberty Dinner is that of Party Chairman Jeff Miller. Hundreds of party faithful, including many VIPS, are gathered here at the Morongo Casino Resort. I am here as the Vice, Chairman, South for the State GOP. Also here representing the CRP is Chairman Ron Nehring.

Trying to mention all of the notables here is challenging, since I will undoubtedly miss someone. U.S. Representative Ken Calvert, a former County GOP Chairman, is the outstanding Master of Ceremonies. Also on hand are State Senators Bob Dutton and Dennis Hollingsworth, as well as Assemblymembers John Benoit, Kevin Jeffries (another former County GOP Chairman), Assemblywoman Mimi Walters (who isn’t from out here, but has a lot of support in the desert for her own Senate run), and retired State Legislators Ray Haynes and Russ Bogh (the latter hoping to return). FR correspondent Senator Jim Battin is ably represented by his long-time aide Kim Glassman.

Topping a list of many local officeholders present are Supervisors Jeff Stone and Marion Ashley.

There are a ton of candidates for the legislature… Read More

Mike Spence

One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer …and a precinct.

As I head out to talk to voters on the last weekend before Tuesday’s election, this article in the Daily Breeze caught my eye. Hermosa Beach bar owners have people talk to patrons about who they should vote for in local elections.

I don’t know if it will work, but I know it would be easier to recruit volunteers.

Hermosa Beach voters are targeted at bars Drive seeks to influence patrons to vote for candidates who are seen as "friendly" to the business. By Andrea Woodhouse Staff Writer

The patrons at Hermosa Beach bars got more than wasted these past few weeks.

They’ve also been schooled on the local political scene from workers recruited by bar owners to register voters and collect contact information so they can be steeredRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

777 Referendum Signature Drive Launches

A referendum to invalidate a bill just passed and signed this fall, SB 777, launched yesteday morning at a press conference on the north steps of the State Capitol. Legislators attending Friday are Co-Chairs for the campaign including Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, Assemblyman Joel Anderson and myself. Co-chairs Senator George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner had a press conference to launch it down south as well. Capitol Resource Institute, led by executive director, Karen Englandformed thenewly affiliated [c]4 arm Capitol Resource Family Impact to wage this campaign. Thanks to Karen and CRFI directors and staff for putting together the pressevent and importantly, of course, this campaign.

You’ll recall that SB 777 was the bill by Senator Kuehl that set off a shock wave that would require change to school policy and curriculum that could be seenby some to "promote a discriminatory bias" [btw, we already have more than adequateprotectionsin thelaw] and turn every policy that could be interpreted to have an impact on gender or individual sexuality into a legal nightmare.

Already scaredy-cat… Read More