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James V. Lacy

Attacks on Romney’s Mormonism surfacing

Just as the Federal Election Commission has begun a process of establishing rules for disclosure of expenditures for "electioneering communications" in the wake of the guidance of the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case of Wisconsin Right to Life, whatare apparently push polls have just been released in both Iowa and New Hampshire attacking Mitt Romney’s Mormonism. Will these attacks on Mormonism and Romney hit California anytime soon? For details on the attacks, click here. And to hear Romney’s reponse to this activity andhis support for and articulation of stateddeficiencies in the McCain-Feingold campaign reform law, see here.

Thanks to my friend and sometimes co-counsel Professor Dan Lowenstein at UCLA Law School for the tip!… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

“Airdropping” Earmarks

I have consistently made the argument that earmarks exist to serve political ends. Well, here is the latest example. Each of the conference reports for the Defense, Labor/HHS, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs spending bills have earmarks “airdropped” into them. “Airdropping” is a way of adding earmarks to a bill during the conference report process at the last possible minute, effectively shielding the earmarks from reproach due to the lack of time for review before a vote on the floor. Many times, these reports are hundreds of pages in length and Members simply cannot thoroughly examine every page in less than 24 hours. This is a deliberate tactic to spend millions of dollars of taxpayer money with complete anonymity and zero accountability. I have vocally opposed this practice as have many of my colleagues on both the House and Senate side.

However, despite the outcryRead More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock: Deficit Could Hit $20B By June…

Tom McCintock, one of the few Sacramento pols who has been accurate in truly predicting the financial shortfall that is facing California, says this is just the beginning:

The newspapers are reporting that the fiscal gap is $10 billion. It is actually far more serious than that. The actual figure – according to the LAO – is that the state will spend $14 billion more than it takes in between now and the end of the next fiscal year. The difference is that we will first blow through the $4 billion reserve that the state began the year with. (That reserve, by the way, is already gone.)

But the LAO is still predicting that the state’s general fund revenues will grow about 3.5… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Your Tax Dollars Fighting Against Your Property Rights?

Aninitiative to end the practice of governments accepting and spending nonreported dollars for political activity was launched at a press conference in Sacramento today. Proponentsare Jon Coupal of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., Jim Nielsen, Chairman of the California Alliance to Protect Prvivate Property Rights and former state senator, and Lew Uhler of National Tax Limitation Committee.

Under the present scheme, the League of California Cities and other entities can utilize so called "non-public funds" to weigh in politically on issues like, say, defeating efforts of protecting your property rights from abusive eminent domain takings. $7 million has been raised without accountability to fight Prop 90 previously and now towards the true eminent domain reform initiativecirculating thru Farm Bureau, Howard Jarvis and the CA Alliance to Protect Private Property. [They also have their own clever initiative that they are pushing and funding to make it look like they are reforming EmDo but has such weak and narrow… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tales from the Crypt — For real!

What if you had a reoccuring nightmare, that while you were sleeping, thousands of dead bodies were rising out of their graves to come and take…your home! Sound scary? Well it is actually happenning to the owners of homes in posh Sarataga, a suburb of San Jose. In what may prove to be a "poster-child" case for eminent domain reform on next June’s ballot, the Saratoga Cemetary District has officially left their options "open" to pursue the use of eminent domain as they seek to force the owner of a home to sell their house, which abuts the Madrona Cemetary. The "urgent need" — apparently the Saratoga Cemetary District wants to expand the roadway around the graveyard. According to the San Jose Mercury News, Nikki Teeter answered a knock on her door to find a real estate agent there, representing the District, telling her that they want to buy her home. Apparently, despite protests that the Teeters have no interest in selling their home of 29 years, the realtor kept trying to set up meetings. Apparently this Cemetary District is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Radio Spots Launched Against Massive Democrat/Arnold Health Care Scheme

Our friends at the Consumer Alliance for a Strong Economy have launched a radio advertising campaign against the ill-advised health care scheme being advanced by the Governor and Legislative Democrats. You can click on the ads below to hear them. CASE, you’ll recall, made a splash when they introduced the Dancing Duck television spot in January.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Saw This on Red County San Diego…

Tim Morgan Receives "No Endorsement" from CRA From the Shawn Steel for RNC National Committeeman campaign:

(Sacramento) – On Sunday, the California Republican Assembly refused to endorse incumbent Tim Morgan in his quest for re-election as National Committeeman. This is a serious embarrassment to his re-election prospects.

With his opponent Shawn Steel already locking up overwhelming majorities amongst Assembly Republicans, Senate Republicans and Central Committee Chairs, the CRA Endorsement quest was a last ditch effort for Morgan to infuse some momentum into his campaign.

"The California Republican Assembly has long been a supporter of Morgan, who has been a long time incumbent," said Steel spokesman Mike Richman. "This weekend, Morgan spent time lobbying delegates and former supporters, but it was obviously too little too late. His failure at CRA continues his horrid re-election campaign effort."

Earlier in the year, Morgan suffered a humiliating defeat when the Young Republican Federation of California endorsed Shawn Steel over Tim Morgan. On the heels of that defeat, Morgan felt the need… Read More

Brandon Powers

Who Isn’t Supporting Steve Baric for CRP Secretary?

Steve Baric’scampaign for CRP Secretary sent out a Campaign Update earlier today.

I have to admit, I knew Steve’s campaign was going well, but even as a friend of his, I’d lost track of just how well.

Really at this point it’d be easier to list who HASN’T yet signed up to support Steve, than who to lay out the lengthy list of who HAS.

Left, Right, Center.

North, Central, South.

Constitutional Officers, Legislators, County Party Leaders, Grassroots Leaders, CRP Board Members.

In other words, just about everyone.

Steve’s campaign isdoing a great jobcircling the wagons andmyhunch is that they’ll continue to do soall the way to February.

For what it’s worth, Steve’s Update is below. Dear Fellow California Republican,

My campaign to be the next Secretary of the California Republican Party continues to garner support throughout the state. In the past month, I have received the support ofRead More