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Brandon Powers

Who Isn’t Supporting Steve Baric for CRP Secretary?

Steve Baric’scampaign for CRP Secretary sent out a Campaign Update earlier today.

I have to admit, I knew Steve’s campaign was going well, but even as a friend of his, I’d lost track of just how well.

Really at this point it’d be easier to list who HASN’T yet signed up to support Steve, than who to lay out the lengthy list of who HAS.

Left, Right, Center.

North, Central, South.

Constitutional Officers, Legislators, County Party Leaders, Grassroots Leaders, CRP Board Members.

In other words, just about everyone.

Steve’s campaign isdoing a great jobcircling the wagons andmyhunch is that they’ll continue to do soall the way to February.

For what it’s worth, Steve’s Update is below. Dear Fellow California Republican,

My campaign to be the next Secretary of the California Republican Party continues to garner support throughout the state. In the past month, I have received the support ofRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR Podcast: An Interview With Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner on his role in opposing Proposition 93

Welcome to the second installment of the FlashReport Podcast — this week I am pleased to present a one-on-one interview with California State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. A tad bit over eleven minutes long, this podcast focuses on the role that Poizner is taking in opposing Proposition 93. [Did you miss our inaugural podcast interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson? Click here.]

FR readers will recall that Proposition 93 is the self-serving initiative placed on the ballot by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez which, if passed, will allow him to sit in the "big chair" for six more years, remaining Speaker until the end of the next Governor’s first-term. In this interview … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Podcast: An Interview With Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner on his role in opposing Proposition 93

Welcome to the second installment of the FlashReport Podcast — this week I am pleased to present a one-on-one interview with California State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. A tad bit over eleven minutes long, this podcast focuses on the role that Poizner is taking in opposing Proposition 93.

[Did you miss our inaugural podcast interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson? Click here.]

FR readers will recall that Proposition 93 is the self-serving initiative placed on the ballot by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez which, if passed, will allow him to sit in the "big chair" for six more years, remaining Speaker until the end of the next Governor’s first-term. In this interview Poizner goes into quite a bit of detail about what a lie this measure truly is… We talk about… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Mike Huckabee – say what?

This video speaks for itself. I am happy to post a ‘response’ or an effort to ‘explain’ this by the Huckabee campaign. Given the significant problem we face, as Americans, with a government that taxes and spends too much, this is quite damning… href=""> As I told someone yesterday, who said that they liked Huckabee because of where he stands on "social issues" — high taxes is a huge social issue. For example, how negative is the impact on a young family when high taxes mean that both parents have to work, with no option for one of them to stay home to raise the kids?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

LAO – $10 Billion Shortfall – Lots of Red Ink

It would probably be a bit impish of Senate Republicans to do an "I told you so" dance around the Capitol — but they really do deserve to do one… Except for the fact that because they were so right-on about the fiscal woes facing California, that there is no time, and no reason to celebrate. Actually, I am sure, to a Senator, they wish they had been very, very wrong.

The Legislative Analyst just released her report on the state’s finances, and she is predicting a $2 billion shortfall in this year’s budget, and that we will start the talk about next year’s budget facing an $8 billion shortfall between anticipated revenues and expenses.

Senator Bob Dutton has already called for the Governor to declare a State of Fiscal Emergency*, and call the legislators back to Sacramento to deal with this problem NOW — and so far, the Governor has not, that I… Read More

Jon Fleischman

EdVoice Invents “Carbon-Free Voting” To Push Pavley For Senate

Political consultants get more clever each and every election cycle. And, of course, what consultants wouldn’t want to latch onto the issue of global warming since based on the latest PPIC poll, most people have been ill-informed and are alarmed at the alleged impact that mankind has on the earth’s temperature.

Anyways, the folks over at non-profit group EdVoice clearly have a favorite choice in the dust-up in the Democrat primary to succeed Sheila Kuehl, and came up with the most outlandish piece of mail I have seen yet to get the face of their candidate, Fran Pavley, in front of likely voters. (See a .pdf of the mail piece Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: EdVoice Invents “Carbon-Free Voting” To Push Pavley For Senate

Political consultants get more clever each and every election cycle. And, of course, what consultants wouldn’t want to latch onto the issue of global warming since based on the latest PPIC poll, most people have been ill-informed and are alarmed at the alleged impact that mankind has on the earth’s temperature.

Anyways, the folks over at non-profit group EdVoice clearly have a favorite choice in the dust-up in the Democrat primary to succeed Sheila Kuehl, and came up with the most outlandish piece of mail I have seen yet to get the face of their candidate, Fran Pavley, in front of likely voters. (See a .pdf of the mail piece Read More

Jon Fleischman

Check out this great Fergie Imitation Video — The Rudy for President Version

An Orange County firm has produced a knock off video of pop-star Fergie’s Glamorous, a version that is really an adveritsement of sorts for Rudy Giuliani for President.. It’s pretty good. It appears below. For comparative purposes, just beneath it is Fergie’s actual video.

(h/t to Politico)… Read More