Posted by Matt Rexroad at 12:00 am on Nov 19, 2007 Comments Off on Term Limits
In the coming months much will be written about the ballot
measure on term limits. Speaker Nunez and President Pro Temp
Perata will both spend a tremendous amount of resources to extend
their legislative careers.
So here is my question — if term limits need to be extended for
the people of California to benefit from the experienced leadership
of the Speaker and President Pro Temp then shouldn’t the people of
California benefit from the experienced leadership of Governor
Schwarzenegger and Insurance Commissioner Poizner?
All the arguments that apply for Nunez and Perata also apply to
the Governor. If Prop 93 does pass in February I predict that
Nunez and Perata will suddenly not be so enthusiastic about someone
needing 12 years in the same job to get it done — when it will not
help them.
If Prop 93 passes I am confident that an effort will be made to
extend that same 12 year standard to constitutional offices as
well.… Read More