FEC agrees on legal issue ads
Yesterday the Federal Election Commission agreed on a so-called “safe-harbor” that would allow for issue ad spending without the usual FEC regulation during Federal election campaigns.
Under the newly adopted rule, an established nonprofit advocacy organization whose major purpose is not candidate elections, a corporation, or a union, can fund communications that mention a Federal candidate’s name, even during an election, where the communication contains no words of “express advocacy,” (i.e., “vote for,” “vote against,” “support,” “oppose,” etc.) and where the content of the communication focuses on a public policy issue and either urges a candidate to take a position on the issue or urges the public to contact the candidate about the issue.
The new rule isn’t much help to clever political consultants that want to start new nonprofit organizations for the purpose of intervening in an election with what liberals call “sham” election ads. However, it is a big help to existing nonprofit organizations that want to continue articulating their mission to the… Read More