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Brandon Powers

Republican Assembly Candidate Makes the Piglet Book

Most candidates running for office usually are on their best behavior during the run-up to their election. They attend their meetings, skip the junket circuit, and generally try to avoid getting sucked into anything controversial.

Like I said, that’s MOST candidates.

Recently, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the Citizens Against Government Waste released their annual Piglet Book highlighting example after example of waste in government around the state at its worst.

Pretty safe to say, on either side of the aisle, the Piglet book is not a place a candidate would want to appear prior to their race.

“While those responsible for the worst acts of waste, fraud and abuse may believe that the public is not watching or does not care, most are capable of being embarrassed when they are caught behaving badly. They should feel a sense of humiliation as their incompetence and misconduct receives this additional public scrutiny.”


And given that, I could barely believe my eyes when I saw the name of a… Read More

Barry Jantz

Francis Beefs up Web Presence in SD Mayoral Race

If his website and this morning’s email are any indication, the lingering question of "Will he or won’t he?" seems to be answered by Steve Francis. (Of course, the GOP is in a bit of a panty-twist over the prospects of a Republican taking on a sitting GOP incumbent like Jerry Sanders.)

The following email message, including links to an endorsement form and bio, sure looks like a campaign to me….

I am writing to you to seek your early endorsement in the race for Mayor of San Diego. I recently formed the Francis For Mayor Exploratory Committee to meet with my fellow San Diegans to hear their views about what they need and want in local government, regardless of their political affiliation. I’ve met with Democrats who think City Hall has become a haven for partisan policy making. Some Republicans worry that the current administration has lost its way, while Independents feel their voice has been silenced by the lobbyists who seem to control everything. Most have voiced concerns about the influence of special interest groups in our local government. Although I have not formally announced myRead More

Mike Spence

Thoughts on Illegal Alien Health Care Study

I got a call this morning from a radio reporter asking me what I thought about the UCLA study saying illegals don’t use the emergency room that much, because they are afraid of identifying themselves. I read the story.

The last part was interesting. They used a randomized phone survey to get this info. There you have it. Illegals won’t get medical care because they are afraid of identifying themselves, but to strangers calling to ask questions over the phone they always, I mean always tell them they are here illegally breaking the law. That seems like USC thinking to me.Read More

Mike Spence

Larry Dick, Bob Huff, Jim Nielsen wisely promote SB 777 referendum

Candidates always struggle over the holidays to make progress in their campaigns. The California Resource Family Impact has launched a referendum against SB 777, the homosexual and other gender bending preferences in our schools bill.

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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Assemblyman Roger Niello — Revenues Are Not The Problem

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez is already trying to use the massive financial shortfall of revenues against budgeted expenditures to make the case for why we have to look at tax increases. His Deputy Chief of Staff, Steve Maviglio, reposted on his blog an article that talks about how taxes need to be increased, and targets the 1978 passage of Proposition 13, lamenting the protection it afforded to homeowners.

One of the more credible voices in Sacramento on state finance is Assemblyman Roger Niello. As the lead Republican on budget issues, he lays out the case for why we do, indeed, have an over-spending problem in California State Government…

Revenues Are Not The ProblemRead More

Jon Fleischman

Water Bonds, Cal Counts, and Fabian “Mr. Congeniality” Nunez

FEBRUARY WATER BOND EVAPORATING… I spoke with Senate Repubican Leader subsequent to yesterday’s "Big 5" meeting — and he reported that there was no resolution on moving forward with a water bond package for the February ballot. Of course we are right on the timing cusp where soon there would be no ability to place something on the February ballot at all…

FABIAN NUNEZ – MR. CONGENIALITY – NOT! When Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez pushed back this week’s planned Assembly Floor Session (to presumably put up Democrat votes for a terrible government-health care plan) — he moved it to next week. Apparently session is now scheduled to overlap with the joint Senate/Assembly GOP Retreat in San Diego. According to Shane Goldmacher at the Sacramento Bee, Nunez isn’t planning to move the session. Then again,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor Fabian Nunez? Um, not with his negative name ID…

In some of the more – uh – interesting political analysis seen in a long time, Fabian Nunez’s communications guru Steve Maviglio is promoting the embattled Assembly Speaker for Governor of California. In a blog post that Steve wrote for the The California Majority Report, he lists Nunez, his boss, as #8 on the list of Top Ten Democratic potential candidates for Governor in 2010. Incredibly, Nunez’s gubernatorial prospects have improved since the blog’s previous assessment of would-be Governors when the Speaker was ranked Number 10. Now that’s what we call spin. Talk about failing upward.

Since Maviglio’s last handicapping of Nunez’ odds at being the next Governor of California, a few things have taken place…

Nunez is under investigation by the FPPC for personal use of campaign funds, failure to adequately disclose campaign expenditures and the use … Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Big 5” meet today – But can differences on water bond proposals be worked out?

Last Wednesday, Governor Schwarzenegger called for a meeting of the "Big 5" (Perata/Ackerman/Nunez/Villines/himself) to take place this afternoon… The topic — water bonds. Specifically, the Governor wants to see if he can work out differences between Democrats and Republicans that have thus-far kept an agreement from being reached.

The dynamics to put together a water deal are interesting. On the Republican side, to get a deal, you have to be able to get enough votes in an environment where the state’s fiscal crisis makes a vote to place another big bond deal on the ballot a tough vote (it’s hard enough to get GOP votes for bonds when the fiscal situation is rosy). That said, everyone acknowledges we have a water storage problem that needs attention. On the Democrat side, where normally everyone lines up (like a cattle call) whenever there are bonds discussed (Democrats are genetically wired to embrace spending increases), there is significant push-back from the eco-nuts who… Read More