Housekeeping Items – Holiday Schedule for FR, and more…
On this quiet Sunday in the midst of the holiday season, we’ll use this space to cover a few "housekeeping" items for the FlashReport:
Christmas Break As is our annual tradition here at the FlashReport, Flash and the "elves" take a break from gathering up news stories for the holidays. The last time the main page will be updated for the year will be Thursday, December 20. We will restart again on January 2. If past experience is any indicator, we’ll still see a fair amount of activity on the blog through this time!
Snap.com on the way out? After a steady drumbeat of complaints about the Snap.com pop-ups on our main page, we’re close to shutting that feature down. So if you really enjoy it, and want us to keep using it, now would be a good time for you to drop us a line and let us know that!… Read More