Jeff Miller Steps Down as Chair of Riverside County GOP
I got an email the other day that my good friend, and very effective leader, Jeff Miller was stepping down as Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party – so he can fully campaign for his Assembly race (District 71).
Jeff has done a great job heading up the RivCo GOP. Just like his predecessor did, now-Assemblyman Kevin Jefferies, Jeff has run a professionial organization dedicated to Republicans winning elections – both on a state and local level. And just like Kevin –Jeff will be astrong member of the California Assembly.
Here’s some of his highlights:
— He ran the Party as a conservative, kept the Party united and raised over a million dollars for the first time.
— As a result of the dollars raised, the Party was able to put out over 200,000 pieces of mail, including two countywide slates, that helped re-elect… Read More