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Jill Buck

Nine Years Ago Today…

December 18th is a special day in the Buck household: it’s my youngest child’s birthday! (It’s also the end of the "Birthday Season" in my house…my other two children have birthdays on Dec. 12th and 13th…we always breathe a sigh of relief when the youngest opens her gifts, and we’ve survived another year of mayhemand merriment.)

But each year when I open my youngest’s baby book to add new things to commemorate her special day, I see the newspaper from the day she was born. (Even in labor and delivery I asked that 2-3 newspapers be delivered to my hospital room…)

Nine years ago today, I was holding a precious new life in my arms, and feeling unspeakable joy.

Nine years ago today,newspapers around the world announced America’s shame: President Clinton was impeached. I wonder what Senator Clinton was doingnine years ago today…… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Ghost of Governors Past

Why does it feel like the Ghost of Governors Past is haunting the Governor’s Office? It is painful to think of how much time, energy and money was spent replacing the failed Gray Davis with the hope of a freedom-loving, pro-free market Arnold Schwarzenegger. But it is even more painful to experience the current governor’s complete sell out for the sake of good press and popularity with the opposition party.

Ooops…there I go again, sounding all partisan again. Isn’t this the era of post-partisanship? I guess post partisanship is when the Republicans have more hope of Senator Don Perata of doing the right thing (insisting that the state budget crisis be dealt with before any health reform plan is passed) than their “Republican” governor.

Back to the Davis-Schwarzenegger contrast—I’m certainly not the fir… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Let The Show Begin…

Members of the California State Assembly are traveling today to the State Capitol. 47 of them will arrive to cast what must be the dumbest vote in the history of California politics and policy — political theater at its worst. That would be the Assembly Democrats who apparently will follow the unwise bidding of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and the group of left-wing ideologues at the center of his leadership team. For Nunez, passing a massive government-growth health care proposal is a feather in his Loius Vuitton cap. For the others in his cabal, it is about their fervor to expand the size and scope of government — a need to expand the "social contract" between government and the people through and ever expanding redistribution of wealth. Whether blinded by pride, like Nunez, or by ideology like his Lieutenants, Democrats are prepared to pass legislation that would be the framework for a massive $14 billion ++ entitlement program. This when… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Catch Up On OC Politics

We’ve started a new feature at Red (in addition to a complete revamp of the site by bringing the various RC blogs and media under one roof).

Each Friday, I’ll be hosting a round table discussion of Orange County politics with two or three OC insiders on our new Red County Radio service (courtesy of BlogTalkRadio). Our kick-off Red County Radio Roundtable is with FR blogger Adam Probolsky and Nick Berardino, the general manager of the Orange County Employees Association.

It’s a good segment, during which we discuss and debate:

* OC Treasurer Chriss Street * Janet Nguyen and The Extra Staffer * The possible Jim Gilchrist v. Loretta Sanchez match-up * Will Joe Dunn run for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Let The Show Begin…

Members of the California State Assembly are traveling today to the State Capitol. 47 of them will arrive to cast what must be the dumbest vote in the history of California politics and policy — political theater at its worst. That would be the Assembly Democrats who apparently will follow the unwise bidding of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and the group of left-wing ideologues at the center of his leadership team. For Nunez, passing a massive government-growth health care proposal is a feather in his Loius Vuitton cap. For the others in his cabal, it is about their fervor to expand the size and scope of government — a need to expand the "social contract" between government and the people through and ever expanding redistribution of wealth. Whether blinded by pride like Nunez, or by ideology, like his Lieutenants, Democrats are prepared to pass legislation that would be the framework for a massive $14 billion ++ entitlement program. This when… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Adios, Milton Friedman

Now that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is backing yet another attempt to put Californian’s health care in to the tender hands of government — and the fabulous track record of efficiency and competence that goes with it — can he at least promise never, ever to talk about how Milton Friedman was inspiration? It’s an insult to the intelligence of thinking people for him to claim fealty to Friedman’s philosophy of individual and economic liberty while simultaneously mounting a massive assault on individual and economic liberty.

And maybe the Governor can also stop spinning that yarn about how he decided, soon after arriving in America in 1968, that he was a Republican because he believed in liberty. Whatever he believed then, Schwarzenegger’s embrace of government-run health care is concrete evidence he no longer believes it — other than lip service.

I would modestly but hopefully suggest Governor Schwarzenegger click on this link and re-register as a Democrat. At least that would be honest, and make it clear to Californians that if this train wreck of a plan is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Special Note From Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines

With California facing a $14 billion budget deficit and an expected vote in the Assembly today to create a new $14 billion government-run health care scheme, I hope my Democrat colleagues will watch this video. Saturday Night Live has officially become the voice of reason on spending control…

Mike Villines

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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Health Bill Moves To Assembly Floor…

AB 1X [technically known as AB 1 X1] passes right on time to the floor for our scheduled 1PM session on a party line vote from Assembly Appropriations Committee, all Reps voting "no" on this 239 page document, still warm off the press.… Read More