Nine Years Ago Today…
December 18th is a special day in the Buck household: it’s my youngest child’s birthday! (It’s also the end of the "Birthday Season" in my house…my other two children have birthdays on Dec. 12th and 13th…we always breathe a sigh of relief when the youngest opens her gifts, and we’ve survived another year of mayhemand merriment.)
But each year when I open my youngest’s baby book to add new things to commemorate her special day, I see the newspaper from the day she was born. (Even in labor and delivery I asked that 2-3 newspapers be delivered to my hospital room…)
Nine years ago today, I was holding a precious new life in my arms, and feeling unspeakable joy.
Nine years ago today,newspapers around the world announced America’s shame: President Clinton was impeached. I wonder what Senator Clinton was doingnine years ago today…… Read More