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Jon Fleischman

CalChamber Opposes Proposition 93

Today it was announced that the California Chamber of Commerce has officially come out against what we call the “Fabian Nunez Career Politician Term Limits Loosening Initiative” aka “The Big Lie” measure.

The Chamber’s opposition is a clear sign that the business community has had its fill of the hubris of Fabian Nunez.

I’m sure we’ll have more on this later on…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR To Name 2007 Legislators Of The Year

After Friday, the FR main page will be on haitus until we return in full-force starting Wednesday, January 2nd (we’ll still have plenty of good reading on this blog page). On the 2nd, we’ll be announcing the FlashReport 2007 Legislators of the Year. We will be singling out for honors one member of the State Senate, one member of the State Assembly, and one member of the California Delegation to Congress.

The FlashReport team will be huddled over the holidays looking at everything from voting records, to effectiveness, to support of the conservative cause.

As an FR reader, we invite you to make your suggestions to us, along with your reasoning. If you send in an e-mail, your name will be held in confidence, but we’ll give you direct feedback. Or you can send in your suggestion anonymously.

Thanks for your input… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

More important than taxes, spending, and energy policy…

In 1866, Mark Twain said that "no man’s life, liberty or property is safe when the legislature is in session." Congress is now out of session so your life, liberty and property are safe until mid-January.

We engage in some pretty hard discourse on very weighty topics in this regular missive. Now, as the holidays approach, it’s time to talk about something even more important than taxes, spending, war, and energy policy.

By that I mean, of course, college football.

Now I follow college football, along with NASCAR and Formula One racing. And, like politics, I am not without my opinions. In the interests of full disclosure, my two sons are both undergraduates at USC and the captivating Mrs. Campbell (my wife) did her undergraduate work there as I did my graduate work there. I’m also a USC football season ticket holder and will be going to the Rose Bowl.

OK, disclosures complete. Here are my predictions for the 5 BCS bowls ahead of us over the next few weeks:

Jan. 1, 2008 – Rose Bowl – USC vs. Illinois: USC is going to run over Illinois like Democrats over a proposal to cut a John Murtha… Read More

Jon Fleischman

‘Twas The Week Before The Non-Denominational Winter Break…

Twas the week before the non-denominational winter break (we call it Christmas), and all through California’s house not a Lobbyist was stirring, not even a Democrat Louse; As the campaign stockings hung by the chimney, the state’s cupboards were bare, In hopes that a Christmas miracle soon would be there; The Democrats were nestled snuggly in their beds, While visions of relaxed terms limits danced in their heads;Read More

Jon Fleischman

‘Twas The Week Before The Non-Denominational Winter Break…

Twas the week before the non-denominational winter break (we call it Christmas), and all through California’s house not a Lobbyist was stirring, not even a Democrat Louse; As the campaign stockings hung by the chimney, the state’s cupboards were bare, In hopes that a Christmas miracle soon would be there; The Democrats were nestled snuggly in their beds, While visions of relaxed terms limits danced in their heads;Read More

Mike Spence

SB 777 Referendum Passes 100,000 Signatures

I just came from the secret Headquarters that Capitol Resource Family Impact has set up to process the petitions being sent back. If successful, the referendum would stop SB 777, the anti-family school curriculum billed signed by the Governor.

With just a few weeks to go, the challenge will be for the effort to get a good chunk of the over 375,000 petitions distributed back. They are on their way.… Read More

Jim Battin

I’m Looking Forward to “Assemblyman Gary Jeandron”

Today is the first time FR readers have heard from Gary Jeandron. It won’t be the last. I believe Gary will be the next Assemblyman from the 80th District.

Whether Prop 93 passes or not, Gary will have a strong impact in California politics in the years to come. If Prop 93 passes, Gary will support Bonnie Garcia (one of my best buddies) in her reelection and be a major player in her campaign. If it fails, Gary will be the next Assemblyman.

In so many ways Gary is a tremendous candidate. He’s the just retired Police Chief of Palm Springs (over 35 years with the department). He’s a School Board Member of the Palm Springs Unified School District. He’s a certified Marriage and Family Counselor. And he’s been married to his beautiful wife,… Read More

Mike Spence

Who will be LA’s Grinch?

Over at Metroblogging LA the vote for LA’s Grinch is almost over.

The nominees include Nick Counter and the AMPTP for the writers strike, the LA Unified School District (for their payroll system although what they do to kids could be in there, Pasadena Mayor Bogaard for his coddling of Red China, The Cheviot Hills Homeowners Association for their subway opposition, and the LA City Nerd a blogger who disappeared from cyberspace. Well at least from cyberspace.Read More