San Diego Focuses on Iowa
Just in case the "holiday season" has left you out of sync with that which is shortly to come, the California Presidential Primary is a mere 33 days away. OK, you knew the date, but admit it … you hadn’t thought of it in terms of "shopping days left."
With Iowa on a tad nearer horizon, the SD media is looking to localize the story as much as possible. I loved this headline and editorial from the New Year’s Day SDUT:
The Iowa circus: This is no way to choose party nominees
No way, perhaps, but politics is often a circus. Have some popcorn and hang on.
Speaking of hanging on, the SDUT this morning focuses on Duncan Hunter’s chances:
As reporter Dana Wilkie notes in the piece, Duncan does have the ability to state the obvious when he says, "The only thing that stands between us and high numbers in the polls right now are media coverage and money."… Read More