Posted by Michael Der Manouel, Jr. at 12:00 am on Jan 09, 2008 Comments Off on What We Should Have Discussed ON The CRP Call Today
I’ve been a member of the California Republican Party since
1993, an Executive Committee member since 1995, and Party Treasurer
from 1999-2001. We had a conference call today with Chairman
Ron Nehring to discuss strategy for 2008. While I will not
get into the details on the call, I would like to make some
1. The Governor left the State Party a steaming pile of
crap, in the form of debt, from the 2006 campaign;
2. Not much has been done by the Governor, to be
charitable, to help the Party retire it’s debt and build up a
campaign war chest – he simply doesn’t care;
3. This is because, while the Governor, by virtue of being
a (debatable) Republican, is traditionally the key fundraiser for
the Party – this Governor’s actions convey a singular interest in
one cause – his own approval ratings;
4. State Party Chairman Ron Nehring, like all previous
State Party chairman, really can’t raise money apart from the help
of a President and / or Governor – not Ron’s fault, although at
some point, a chairman should at least TRY to raise money on his
5. So, the State… Read More