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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Guv’s Budget Proposal

The Governor has just left the stage from introducing the ’08-09 budget. He was very clear that spending needed to be reined in and brought under control.

just a couple quick highlights:

-He said we cannot tax our way out of this problem -pointing to the charts, he noted thathad previous budget reforms been in place, we would be in balance, instead the current chart shows a wide gap of $10B or more. -this is a budget that doesn’t please many people

No doubt, this will be difficult. Let the frenzy begin.… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Andal Scores Early Club for Growth Endorsement

With the announcement of John Doolittle’s retirement comes more bad news for Nancy Pelosi and House democrats. Dean Andal, challenger to vulnerable democrat Jerry McNerney has received the endorsement of the Club for Growth which will guarantee an even heavier flow of financial resources into the 11th Congressional District.

Andal, in his time in the State Assembly and on the Board of Equalization, has crafted a strong pro-taxpayer record in favor of lower taxes and cutting wasteful government spending. Just this week, Andal revealed at a meeting of the South San Joaquin Republican Club that he had raised over a half million dollars already for this race and is running hard on the economic issues of taxes and cutting wasteful spending.

Club for Growth President Pat Toomey had this to say about the race in his release announcing the Club’s support for Andal:

"Dean Andal has an impressive record on economic issues with the potential to be a superstar if elected to Congress. His principled fight against wasteful government spending and his tireless work on behalf of taxpayers will be a vast improvement over Rep. McNerney. While this… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McCain’s California Delegate List, and our blogger call with the Senator this morning…

I just got off of a national conservative blogger briefing with Senator John McCain, and let me tell you, that is one pumped up primary winner! He was with his colleague, Senator Lindsay Graham, and was very enthusiastic. I was going to ask the Senator about his campaign plans for California, since we’ve already begun to vote here. But it was like trying to call into a radio talk show, getting to ask a question. The format of these calls (and to the Senator’s credit, he holds them frequently) is that McCain talks for a few minutes, and then throws things open to Q&A. When that happens, the moderator tells you to push a button if you have a question. I swear to you my finger was ON the button at that time — and still, a half-dozen others ended up in the queue before me. Alas, I didn’t make the cut. Suffice it to say, though, that McCain (and he should be) is very upbeat today. (For a thorough write up from the call, check here on the NRO Blog.)

I’m sure that all 179 McCain supporters submitted as potential delegates… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Houston Flournoy

Former State Controller Houston I Flournoy was one of my instructors at USC. He was a statesman and a scholar.

He believed he was a Nixon pardon away from being Governor.

Flournoy passed away on Monday.

Fight On!

My prayers are with his family.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CA GOP Presidental Delegate Lists

UPDATE 1:55 PM: WHAT THE BUCK? I thought I would add another interesting aside (which I am sure my friend Martin Wisckol at the Orange County Register’s Total Buzz blog will enjoy) — the one name that I thought for sure would appear as a delegate for Mike Huckabee is Orange County’s Buck Johns. Buck, who hails from Arkansas, held a huge event for Huckabee at his home and is quite enthusiastic about Huck. Fascinating.

OK – thanks to Democrat Secretary of State Debra Bowen, all of the submitted delegate lists for the GOP Presidential candidates are available on the SoS website here.

I note with some interest that California "Favorite Son" candidate Duncan Hunter did not even both to submit a delegate list, even to name three prospective delegates should he win his own House seat. A strong indicator that he is in the process of ending his ersatz candidacy.

Heck, even Alan Keyes, whom I frankly forgot was "running" for President, submitted seven prospective… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

What We Should Have Discussed ON The CRP Call Today

I’ve been a member of the California Republican Party since 1993, an Executive Committee member since 1995, and Party Treasurer from 1999-2001. We had a conference call today with Chairman Ron Nehring to discuss strategy for 2008. While I will not get into the details on the call, I would like to make some observations:

1. The Governor left the State Party a steaming pile of crap, in the form of debt, from the 2006 campaign;

2. Not much has been done by the Governor, to be charitable, to help the Party retire it’s debt and build up a campaign war chest – he simply doesn’t care;

3. This is because, while the Governor, by virtue of being a (debatable) Republican, is traditionally the key fundraiser for the Party – this Governor’s actions convey a singular interest in one cause – his own approval ratings;

4. State Party Chairman Ron Nehring, like all previous State Party chairman, really can’t raise money apart from the help of a President and / or Governor – not Ron’s fault, although at some point, a chairman should at least TRY to raise money on his own;

5. So, the State… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Hill on Doolittle/CD 4

I spoke yesterday with Jackie Kucinich, a reporter with The Hill newspaper in Washington, D.C. She covers Congressional races, and has an eye trained, with everyone else, on California’s 4th District, where we should hear any time now whether John Doolittle is going to announce retirement plans.

She quotes me quite a bit in this article which talks about an interesting player in this scenario — former Congressman Richard Pombo.

It’s worth a read.

Oh, and for the curious — Jackie is, in fact, the daughter of Democrat Presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich. Despite that, Jackie seems pretty squared away.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The GOP Presidential Primary, and my chat with Giuliani Campaign Manager Mike DuHaime

California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring commented, after the results of the New Hampshire primary tonight that, “It’s clear following tonight’s results that Californians will vote before it’s clear who will carry each party’s banner into November. As a result, Californians have more influence over the ultimate result of this primary contest than at any time in recent memory.”

This is very true. As we get closer to the February 5 Super Duper Tuesday voting where California along with 23 other states will be holding their primaries, it becomes more and more likely that no candidates will have a real lock on their respective party’s nomination.

Before I pen some thoughts about the GOP Presidential primary, I want readers to know that as an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I have neither endorsed nor do I support any individual candidates in the race for the nomination…

As I reflect on the GOP results in the Granite State with John McCain coming in first place, nearly six points ahead of… Read More