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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Sheriff La Suer?, Politically Speaking and More

Red County 2.0… The Red County network has upgraded, with a new format and new locations for the regional blog sites. Something dubbed 2.0. Ok, I’ll buy that. It also means a new URL for the local SD site. Take a look…when not posting there myself, it’s my second choice every day for the latest insider political news…after FR of course! You can check out Red County SD and its localized content here

Sheriff La Suer?… Is the former “number two” at the Sheriff’s Department eying the seat? Jay La Suer, also the immediate past 77th AD assemblyman and prior to that a 10-year member of the La Mesa City Council, is said to be doing just that. Once considered a possible contender for Duncan Hunter’s open congressional seat, La Suer has endorsed Hunter son Duncan D. for the spot. Short of waiting for an open senate seat from a termed-out Dennis Hollingsworth, the one-time undersheriff has few prospects if interested in another office.

Roger Hedgecock… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State of the Living Dead

The Wall Street Journal weighs in today on the Governor’s ridiculous health care plan (link might require registration) and really furthers my argument that the State Republican Party needs to actively and publicly oppose tax increases by asking each member of the State Assembly and State Senate to agree to a no new taxes pledge.

Besides blowing up the Governor’s call for tax increases related to his health care plan for the November ballot, the Party should also begin the process of raising money to overturn the ridiculous Sinclair Paint decision, which allows "fees" to be levied in lieu of taxes. Look for the Governor’s "solution" to the budget crisis to be laden with "fees". The State Party should try to qualify a ballot initiative to run in November to treat fees the same as taxes.

The Governor left the State GOP in a mountain of debt, crippling its ability to operate this year. He ignored downballot candidates and refused to campaign for McClintock and McPherson. It’s time to return the favor.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Romero -Thompson’s South Carolina Debate Response Better Late Than Never

I was talking with my good friend Nicholas Romero, whom FR readers know as the former Managing Editor of the FlashReport. Nick was very animated after watching Thursday night’s Presidential debate. Nick’s been very passionate about this Presidential campaign season – he’s a big supporter of Fred Thompson, actually. Anyways, after talking with Nick a bit, I asked him if he would be willing to pen his “take” on the debate for FR readers. So, in Nick’s own literary style, here’s what he sent over… — Flash

Better Late Than Never

Well, this past week has been a rollercoaster. The open New Hampshire primary (they allow Democrats and Independents to vote in the Republican Primary in the Granite State) had conservative Republicans staring down the very real and undesirable prospect of a McCain nomination. However, I think New Hampshire’s surprising results have awoken the fusionist base. We do not want to see the party fall the way of the Whigs. We have caught a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Romero: Thompson’s South Carolina Debate Response Better Late Than Never

I was talking with my good friend Nicholas Romero, whom FR readers know as the former Managing Editor of the FlashReport. Nick was very animated after watching Thursday night’s Presidential debate. Nick’s been very passionate about this Presidential campaign season – he’s a big supporter of Fred Thompson, actually. Anyways, after talking with Nick a bit, I asked him if he would be willing to pen his “take” on the debate for FR readers. So, in Nick’s own literary style, here’s what he sent over… Flash

Better Late Than Never

Well, this past week has been a rollercoaster. The open New Hampshire primary (they allow Democrats and Independents to vote in the Republican Primary in the Granite State) had conservative Republicans staring down the very real and undesirable prospect of a McCain nomination. However, I think New Hampshire’s surprising results have awoken the fusionist base. We do not want to see the party fall the way of the Whigs. We have caught a glimpse of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Remembering Carl Karcher

At the bottom of today’s main news page, you can see several articles on the passing of Carl Karcher. Most of America knows Carl for his famous and widespread fastfood restaurant chain, Carl’s Jr. Many who have been involved with Republican and conservative causes over the last half-century know Carl as a committed champion of important American traditions — God, family and free enterprise.

I first met Carl in 1988 at a dinner for the Christian Anti-Communist Crusude (and no, I wasn’t the only Jewish kid there). I remember Carl handing me and every other activist with Young Americans for Freedom his signature "Free Famous Star" cards that he had with him everywhere. I don’t know about the others, but I ended up keeping the card as a keepsake, rather than trading it away for the burger.

Over the years, as I got more involved in politics, I became State Chairman of California YAF, and some years after that, served a term as Chairman of the California Republican Assembly. During my time running both of these fine organizations, Carl (with whom I developed a friendship) was very… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My Character Reference For Rico Oller, Candidate To Succeed John Doolittle in Congress

In concert with John Doolittle’s announcement that he retiring from the U.S. House of Representatives, conservative activist, businessman, and former California state legislator Rico Oller threw his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination for the 4th District. Of course, this is an all-GOP seat now that Doolittle is out of the election picture. Sorry Charlie (Brown), the presumptive Democrat candidate, but you are now running what we call in the business, a "dead district drill" – this seat is no longer competitive. There will be a host of other candidates leaping into the race, in addition to Eric Egland, Mike Holmes and now Oller. Possibly conservative Assemblyman Ted Gaines will get into it (he’s had one foot into the race for months now) and there is talk that State Senator Sam Aanestad or retired legislator Tim Leslie might even run. Then there is former U.S. Representative Doug Ose, who as a former leader of the Republican Main Street Partnership, would be the moderate in the race. … Read More

Carl Fogliani

Bill Berryhill Surges in AD 26

Ceres Unified School Board Member and farmer Bill Berryhill is continuing his march through the 26th district (disclosure: Berryhill is a client) by racking up endorsements of all the GOP Supervisors in San Joaquin County along with former Assemblyman and congressional candidate Dean Andal. Supervisors Leroy Ornellas, Ken Vogel and Larry Ruhstaller add to a formidable endorsement list that includes the GOP power structure in Stanislaus County as well as local GOP Senators Dave Cogdill and Jeff Denham. The 26th district is currently held by Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian, who is running for the 5th Senate District.

There were early rumblings of democrats hoping to find a viable candidate to contest this nearly even registration seat until Berryhill emerged strongly. Due to his formidable name identification advantage, 200K warchest and agricultural background it is extremely unlikely that a viable candidate will emerge. Even with all those disadvantages, there is one more disadvantage that a democrat nominee would face: Bill Berryhill’s strongest support will come from Stanislaus County and for any democrat to win they must win Stanislaus County… Read More

Ray Haynes

Lessons from the Past

First, let me commend the Governor for most of his budget. He is still claiming that a fee is not a tax, which is wrong, particularly when it is for essential government services like fire fighting, but he is finally getting around to actually cutting government. I also believe that cutting the size of state government is so important that no Republican should spend any time trying to defend any government program, even prisons. The general budget strategy of the Democrats in the past has been toincrease welfare and health care spending, and to cut police, fire and prisons. Republicans have taken the tack of pushing toincrease police, fire, and prisons, and cut welfare and health care spending. The usual compromise between Democrats and Republicans has been to increase spending on everything.

Second, let me commend Senate Republicans, whose insistence on some cuts last year turned a budget crisis that would have started out at $21 billion and grown to $30 billion, into a budget crisis that has started out at $14 billion, and will expand to $21 billion. Their willingness to sacrifice their political capital for the good of the state should be widely… Read More